Is breast pain during pregnancy normal or unusual?

Breast pain during pregnancy is quite common. This is a normal symptom in pregnant women. However, with some cases of severe pain, pregnant women need to see a doctor for timely diagnosis and treatment.

1. Areola pain during pregnancy is okay?

During pregnancy, pregnant women often feel tight breasts, mild pain around the breasts or sharp pain when pressed. This is normal and very common in pregnant women. Sometimes, symptoms of breast pain during pregnancy appear quite early (in the 4th to 6th week), can last until the end of the first trimester, then the pain level gradually decreases in the second trimester. 2 but increases in the last trimester as the due date approaches.
Depending on each woman will feel breast pain in different degrees. Some may feel a lot of pain, while others will experience only a transient pain around the breast or sometimes just a burning sensation in the breasts.

2. Causes of breast pain during pregnancy

Heartburn Heat can be a cause of pain around the breast. During pregnancy, pregnant women often change their eating habits, sometimes an inappropriate diet will cause heartburn. In addition, increased levels of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy lead to relaxation of the uterine smooth muscle, which relaxes the valve separating the stomach and esophagus, allowing acid from the stomach to back up into the esophagus and cause heartburn.
Indigestion Breast pain is often caused by indigestion, symptoms are often worse in the late pregnancy, around 27 weeks of pregnancy.
Breast strain During pregnancy, the muscles and ligaments in the breast area become tight. When the fetus is larger, the uterus expands, putting pressure on the diaphragm and ribs, causing the pregnant woman to have breast pain and shortness of breath.
Breast infections Respiratory diseases are at risk of leading to breast infection, which is the main cause of breast pain during pregnancy.
Stress Pregnant women often experience stress during pregnancy. This is also one of the common possible causes of breast pain.
Breast size change Pregnancy makes the breasts become larger than usual, affecting the joints and muscles of the breast, making pregnant women feel pain around the breast and uncomfortable.
Thromboembolism A condition where blood clots form in a vein is called thromboembolic syndrome (DVT). These blood clots can travel up the veins into the lungs, leading to breast pain and lung congestion. This is a dangerous event associated with deep vein thrombosis, which can be fatal.
Myocardial Infarction One of the most common signs of a heart attack is pain around the breast, accompanied by headache, shortness of breath, numbness in the hands and feet, and cold sweats.
The disease is more likely to occur in women who are used to smoking, have a history of diabetes or become pregnant after the age of 40. Therefore, when experiencing breast pain during pregnancy, especially with high-risk subjects, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination immediately.
Asthma Pregnant women who have a history of asthma or are currently suffering from asthma often have recurrent and worsening asthma, accompanied by episodes of breast spasms and breast tenderness.
Coronary aneurysm Areola pain during pregnancy can be one of the symptoms of a coronary aneurysm, a heart-related condition. The disease usually appears after birth or a month before birth.
Aortic dissection This is caused by a tear in the aortic wall, leading to bleeding between the layers of the vessel wall and rupture of the aorta. The most common symptom of this condition is breast tenderness. Pregnancy increases the risk of aortic dissection.
Congenital heart disease When having congenital heart disease, patients are often advised not to become pregnant or when pregnant to be closely monitored to avoid serious complications. Therefore, breast pain during pregnancy is one of the typical symptoms in pregnant women with congenital heart disease. In this case, pregnant women should pay attention to sudden breast pain and should seek medical attention if they notice any unusual symptoms that are suspected to be complications of heart disease.
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3. How to relieve breast pain during pregnancy

If breast pain is accompanied by severe symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness or heart problems, the mother should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. If only transient breast pain, not related to serious diseases and no risk factors need to be closely monitored, pregnant women can apply some of the following methods:
Relaxation: Do not force the body. overwork. Instead, pregnant women should take time to rest, keep their spirits up, and actively practice gentle sports, such as yoga for pregnant women, swimming, and walking. Attention to posture: Always sit up straight and stand with your back straight so that your lungs always have maximum working space. If you sit in the wrong position, the lungs are at risk of being compressed, making it difficult to breathe, leading to pain around the breast. Do not lie down immediately after eating : Because there is a risk of causing reflux, leading to breast pain. Split meals during the day: Pregnant women should divide large meals during the day into many smaller meals, keeping the time between meals equal, to avoid indigestion, acid reflux, heartburn. Avoid foods that cause bloating: Avoid alcohol, caffeine, spicy and greasy foods, because these foods easily cause indigestion and bloating. Lying on a high mattress: Using a high pillow when lying down will help pregnant women breathe easier, helping to reduce breast pain during pregnancy. Building a scientific lifestyle: Supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals. Exercise regularly, avoid smoking and use products that contain stimulants such as caffeine. In addition, pregnant women can also try some of the following folk remedies to relieve breast pain during pregnancy:
Use ginger tea or chrysanthemum tea 1-2 times a day; Use salt water to gargle 3 times a day; Try drinking a glass of warm milk with honey; Neutralize the acid with coconut water. Breast pain is a common symptom during pregnancy, however, if the chest pain does not improve, even gets worse, you need to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
To ensure the best health of pregnant women and fetuses, you should choose to register for all-inclusive Maternity packages at reputable medical facilities to be regularly examined and monitored by doctors for treatment. timely arising and risks occurring during pregnancy and after labor.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly qualified doctors Regular check-ups, early detection of abnormalities The Package Maternity package helps to facilitate convenient for the birthing process Newborns get comprehensive care

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