Using Oxytocin in Obstetrics: What Complications Are Possible?

Oxytocin is a drug used in obstetrics, has the effect of causing uterine contractions, is indicated to stimulate labor and control postpartum bleeding. This article will provide more information about oxytocin as well as possible complications when using oxytocin in obstetrics.

1. What is Oxytocin?

Obstetric oxytocin is a hormone the body produces to stimulate contractions during labor. When contractions take place, the amount of oxytocin in the body will also increase. When the amount of oxytocin in the body drops, the uterine contractions may not be strong enough to push the baby out. In such a case, your doctor may prescribe a synthetic form of oxytocin.
Oxytocin is a drug that causes uterine contractions in both frequency and intensity.

2. Indication of Oxytocin in Obstetrics

Actively manage the third stage of labor, after delivery to prevent postpartum bleeding. Treatment of postpartum bleeding. Use oxytocin to induce uterine contractions in cases of labor induction or labor but weak contractions. This indication applies in places where there is surgery with a clear indication of the doctor.
Oxytocin trong sản khoa
Thuốc Oxytocin trong sản khoa

3. Contraindications

Disproportionate head - pots. There is no indication for vaginal delivery. Vegetable striker. Young vegetables. Acute and chronic fetal distress. There are no operating rooms, doctors and surgical facilities.

4. Possible complications when using oxytocin in obstetrics

Intense contractions: When there are more than 5 contractions in 10 minutes, each contraction lasts more than 90 seconds. Threat of rupture - uterine rupture Acute fetal distress in labor: If delivery by oxytocin infusion is not well monitored or treated late, there is a risk of fetal distress, failure, or even death. Therefore, when detecting signs of fetal distress, oxytocin infusion must be stopped and properly handled according to the regimen of fetal distress. In case the oxytocin infusion has been stopped for 15 minutes and still has no results, it is imperative to have surgery to save the pregnancy or perform obstetric forceps if eligible. Placen a coronary heart disease, cardiac arrest. Smooth muscle relaxant: when used in high doses directly, often accompanied by anesthesia or anesthesia in pregnant women. Allergies: rare Fetal effects: fetal distress, postpartum asphyxia, hyperbilirubinemia causing increased neonatal jaundice.
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Nhau bong non do sử dụng Oxytocin

Use of oxytocin in obstetrics requires that it be prescribed by qualified obstetricians and can only be done in large hospitals with adequate medical facilities and equipment. This requirement is to ensure the ability to control the infusion rate of the human resources team and to be ready to deal with potentially serious complications that may occur to the mother and fetus. For smaller medical facilities or clinics, oxytocin is only used in obstetrics to prevent and treat bleeding after placental abruption.
Vinmec International General Hospital gathers a team of well-trained and experienced obstetricians and gynecologists, a system of complete and modern medical equipment, and professional service quality. high technical efficiency, contributing to the protection of pregnancy health for both mother and baby.

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