Weaning menu to help baby gain weight

Weight is considered an accurate measure to reflect a child's nutritional status. How to gain weight or apply the menu how to improve the child's weight is always a certain concern of parents. To do this, parents need to have knowledge of the principles of building a weaning menu to help their baby gain weight.

1. Reasons why children can't gain weight

Baby eats a lot, but this process is not done properly: There are many parents who believe that giving children a lot of food will make them grow well. But that does not determine the whole development of the child. To meet the needs of children at each age, children should be provided with enough nutrients in both quantity and quality. Make sure the child has enough meals in a day. The fact that children do not gain weight can also be due to children eating a lot of plant-based foods or fruits lacking in fat and protein content, causing children to gain weight slowly.
Parents give children too much food, exceeding the child's nutrient absorption response: The fact that parents provide a large amount of food for children compared to the recommended needs, making the child's digestive system unable to absorb the nutrients. All nutrients are consumed, diarrhea, abdominal distension, indigestion and especially children eat a lot but can't gain weight.
Parents use too much protein in their children's diets: Parents are always afraid that their children won't eat enough, so they often choose protein-rich foods to supplement their meals. And feed children with more than usual with the desire to help children gain weight quickly. However, when feeding children too much protein can cause indigestion, reduce appetite, even reduce breastfeeding. Because a child's digestive system is not fully developed like an adult's, choosing foods with too many nutrients can make organs in the body, especially the kidneys, have to work a lot and cause serious problems. burden on these institutions.

2. How does the baby gain weight?

"What to eat to gain weight" is a question that many parents are concerned about. In the weaning menu to help children gain weight, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, WHO should use about 15 to 20 different foods per day to ensure adequate supply of nutrients and micronutrients for children. . Therefore, parents need to fully choose the following 4 groups of nutrients:
Nutrients that provide carbohydrates or carbohydrates include foods such as cereals, potatoes, tubers... to help provide energy The nutrients and fiber needed for children The group of nutrients that provide fat includes cooking oil, animal fat, butter, cheese... to help provide energy in the most concentrated form. Fat helps the baby's body have good skin, and at the same time helps to absorb fat-soluble vitamins well and develop brain cells and the nervous system. Nutrients that provide protein include meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, crab, etc. eels, frogs ... to help build the body and synthesize antibodies to protect the body The group of nutrients that provide vitamins and minerals includes foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as green vegetables, ripe fruits.. Helps provide vitamins and minerals to regulate the activities of the child's body, especially rich in fiber to prevent constipation. Parents can apply a weaning menu to help their baby gain weight by adding milk or dairy products such as yogurt, fresh milk, cheese... to help provide high nutrients with a full range of nutrients. nutritional ingredients. In addition, in yogurt contains a lot of beneficial bacteria to help children avoid constipation or diarrhea or help children eat more delicious, from which children can gain weight easily.
Thực đơn ăn dặm giúp bé tăng cân
Thực đơn ăn dặm giúp bé tăng cân là vấn đề được nhiều cha mẹ quan tâm

3. The weaning menu helps the baby gain weight

3.1. Shrimp porridge cooked with pumpkin This dish includes shrimp with a fairly diverse nutritional composition, especially the content of calcium, vitamins as well as protein in shrimp meat to help keep bones strong. Besides, the zinc content in shrimp meat also helps children to be stimulated to eat more deliciously.
For children of different ages, different shrimp weights will be applied in the diet. For children from 6 to 12 months, children should eat about 16 to 18 grams of shrimp meat per day. Children should only eat one meal of shrimp meat per day and can give them 3 to 4 meals a week. When cooking shrimp porridge for children, parents should note that they should add more vegetables to ensure adequate supply of essential nutrients for children.
To make this dish, parents will prepare 200 grams of fresh shrimp, 200 grams of pumpkin, 1 handful of rice along with herbs such as onions... The pumpkin is peeled and washed and drained. Pumpkin will be cut into small pieces. Steam the squash and mash it finely. Peel the shrimp, remove the black thread and put it in the blender, then add the seasoning to taste. The rice is put in a pot with water to cook until it becomes porridge. When the porridge is cooked, add the pumpkin and shrimp and stir until it boils, then you can scoop it out and use it.
3.2. Eel porridge cooked with taro Eel meat is classified as a food of high nutritional value with a content of diverse nutrients. At the same time, eel meat is also evaluated as a food group suitable for children with anorexia, growth retardation and malnutrition.
Taro is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, iron, zinc... When combining these foods into a porridge porridge, it will help children enjoy the food and eat well as well as eat a lot. than.
Ingredients for making eel porridge cooked with taro include: 200 grams of eel meat, 200 grams of taro, 100 grams of green beans, 1 handful of rice, spices and scallions...
Eels are slaughtered and slaughtered. Wash and then put in a pot to boil. When the eel is cooked, take it out and let it cool, then filter out the eel meat. As for the bones and broth, put the rice and cook until it becomes porridge. Taro peeled, washed, drained and cut into small pieces. Then add the potatoes and cook. Put the pan on the stove and saute the purple onion, then add the salt to the island and mix the spices to infuse evenly. When the porridge is cooked, put the rice into the porridge along with the cooked potatoes. After this mixture boils, you can scoop the porridge into a bowl and give it to the child to use.
3.3. Beef porridge cooked with cauliflower Beef is known as a food with high protein content, rich in minerals such as iron and zinc, helping to provide a full range of necessary nutrients for children.
Cauliflower belongs to the group of vegetables that contain many vitamins and minerals that help children strengthen the immune system function as well as the digestive process effectively.
Ingredients using beef porridge cooked with cauliflower include 150 grams of beef, 80 grams of cauliflower, 1 handful of rice and spices. Rice is washed and put in a pot with water to make porridge. Cauliflower washed, cut into small pieces, beef cut into small pieces. Put the pan on the stove and sauté the onions, then add the beef and cauliflower to a little stir-fry, then put this mixture in a blender. When the porridge is cooked, add this mixture and stir the porridge until it is ready to use.
thực đơn tăng cân cho bé
Việc kết hợp các nhóm thực phẩm dinh dưỡng là một phần của thực đơn ăn dặm giúp bé tăng cân

4. Notes when feeding babies

A few notes when eating solids to help children gain weight easily:
Weaning time is considered an important milestone for children to get used to many new things, including familiarity with foods. . At the initial time when giving solid foods to children, parents should let them try 1 meal and the number of meals will gradually increase when the child has formed habits and reflexes. Children's food should be made from thin to thick so that children get used to chewing skills. Moreover, at this age, the child's digestive system is in the maturing stage, so if the child eats undigested food, it can affect the child's health. In short, the weaning menu to help the baby gain weight needs to ensure adequate nutrition and micronutrients for the child. Therefore, parents need to choose the full group of nutrients that provide carbohydrates or carbohydrates, the group of fats, the group that provide protein as well as the group that provide vitamins and minerals.
The improvement of symptoms can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow simultaneous use of many types or continuously change the types of functional foods.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children by age, you should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutritionists when you need advice.
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