Sleep grinding in adults can make you 'older before your time'

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Trung Hau - Doctor of Odonto-Stomatology - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Teeth grinding while sleeping in adults is a condition that many people face, usually in a mild degree that will not require treatment. However, if teeth grinding becomes frequent and severe, it can cause a number of problems and make the person look "older than their years".

1. What are the symptoms of teeth grinding while sleeping in adults?

It is estimated that about 20% of the population has symptoms of teeth grinding while sleeping, but only 5-10% are aware of this.
Teeth grinding is a state of unconsciously clenching and clenching teeth, when two teeth put pressure on each other, they will emit creaking sounds, causing the person next to them to wake up. During the day, people who grind their teeth while sleeping also often have the habit of chewing their teeth when they are stressed or focused on something.
Teeth grinding during sleep in adults is one of the manifestations of sleep-related movement disorders.
Teeth grinding during sleep often has a very obvious and recognizable expression, some specific signs include:
2 teeth clenched together and making a sound to wake up the sleeper; Chipped, loose teeth; Erosion of the tooth, exposing the deeper layer of the tooth; Teeth are more sensitive to food; Jaw pain, facial pain even though there is no trauma; Frequent fatigue, jaw muscle tension; Always feel pain in the ear, even though the cause is not from the ear; Feeling a headache in the temples and lesions on the inside of the cheeks; Misaligned bite and some dental diseases.
Nghiến răng khi ngủ ở người lớn
Nghiến răng khi ngủ ở người lớn là một trong những biểu hiện của sự rối loạn vận động liên quan với giấc ngủ

2. Teeth grinding while sleeping in adults need to see a doctor?

Usually, sleep bruxism in adults will go away on its own if the patient re-trains their habits and behaviors. However, in some cases, when the degree of teeth grinding becomes frequent and severe, it is necessary to see a specialist to get the most helpful advice, namely the following cases:
When teeth are damaged severely damaged, worn teeth; Continuous pain in the face, ears, jawbone; Difficulty opening or closing the mouth.

3. Causes of teeth grinding while sleeping in adults

Whether they are children or adults, once they experience teeth grinding while sleeping, it is usually due to:
Constantly changing emotions, often in a state of stress, anxiety, frustration or anger; Due to malocclusion, abnormal alignment of molars; Due to sleep disturbance. Suffering from dental diseases; Due to gastroesophageal reflux - oesophagus; Side effects of certain medications; Excessive concentration. In addition, a number of factors are thought to increase the risk of teeth grinding during sleep in adults:
Due to age; Due to personality: People with strong, aggressive, hyperactive personalities are at risk of grinding their teeth while sleeping; Due to the habit of using stimulants such as caffeinated beverages, alcohol, tobacco; In addition, some factors related to oral diseases such as periodontal disease, arthritis of the jaw, the spasticity of jaw muscles... may also cause the grinding of teeth to increase.
Nghiến răng khi ngủ ở người lớn
Tật nghiến răng khi ngủ có thể là do thói quen sử dụng thuốc lá, đồ uống có cồn

4. Why grinding your teeth while sleeping can make you look older?

Although sleep bruxism in adults is a manifestation of a sleep disorder and may not cause any health problems, it is estimated that about 10% of patients grind their teeth regularly and to a great extent. Severe cases can lead to facial pain, headaches, tooth fractures, muscle and temporomandibular joint disorders, difficulty talking... Especially, when the muscles are overworked, it can cause the patient to get sick. hypertrophy, facial disproportion...
Aesthetically, sleep grinding in adults for a long time can cause tooth wear, reduce the size of the lower face and make the patient look older first. year old . More dangerously, if teeth grinding occurs in people who have had teeth done, it can break and chip the fillings in the teeth and break the dentures.

5. How to eliminate teeth grinding while sleeping in adults?

Although bruxism during sleep in adults does not cause much harm to health, to prevent damage, the formation of dental disease and possible risks, it is advisable to seek treatment.
Depending on the cause of teeth grinding while sleeping in adults, there are appropriate treatment options:
If the cause is stress, it should be treated with psychotherapy and relaxation before sleeping. Depending on the specific situation, the patient can use muscle relaxants to reduce jaw muscle spasms, the use of drugs should be according to the doctor's prescription; If the cause is neuromuscular diseases or brain damage in the patient, the main treatment is to protect the teeth and bite; In the case of adult bruxism as a side effect of certain medications, discontinue use of that medication, or consult your doctor for additional medications to reduce bruxism. In addition, if you suffer from oral diseases, the patient should directly visit the hospital by a dentist, orthodontist, to have a better bite (if necessary). The dentist will give the best advice on how to protect your teeth to avoid damage when you grind your teeth too hard.
In case teeth grinding is due to calcium deficiency, it is necessary to supplement the appropriate dose of calcium in daily meals.

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