Can corticosteroid antidote be used?

Corticosteroids are one of the most commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs today. The drug is indicated in many different pathologies. Because of its high effectiveness in many diseases, the phenomenon of drug abuse is increasing. Drugs taken in high doses for a long time can cause poisoning.

1. Clinical symptoms of Corticoid poisoning

As mentioned above, abuse of prescription corticosteroids for patients is a common condition that occurs in many drugstores and pharmacies. Continuous use of high-dose corticosteroids for more than 15 days, or abrupt discontinuation of the drug, can cause acute adrenal insufficiency.
Corticosteroids have many forms of drugs corresponding to different uses. With each use of corticosteroids, the abuse of the drug can cause toxicity with different clinical manifestations. Specifically:
Abuse of oral drugs:
Corticosteroids cause glaucoma, memory loss, behavior changes, delirium. Water retention causes swelling of the face and lower extremities. Hypertension; Increased fat accumulation in the abdomen, back of the neck. Cataracts, which worsen in diabetic patients. Osteoporosis, which increases the risk of fractures. Because the drug has the ability to suppress the immune system, if taken in excess for a long time, it will weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections, especially infections caused by fungi and bacteria. Affects adrenal gland function, reduces hormone secretion, adrenal insufficiency. Reduces the body's ability to heal itself. Abuse of parenteral drugs:
Side effects are similar to those taken orally because this is also a systemic drug, so it can affect many organs and parts. With the parenteral route, symptoms may occur more rapidly than with the oral route. Abuse of topical drugs: Initially causing thinning of the skin, skin erosion, affecting the skin barrier, causing acne and redness. Excessive use of corticosteroids can cause skin atrophy. Based on this side effect, in cosmetology dermatology has used a number of drugs belonging to the group of corticosteroids to make injections to dissolve keloids.
Abuse of corticosteroids in the form of nasal sprays or inhalations, causing the drug to be deposited in the nose and throat much and causing:
Infection of the nose and throat caused by fungi. Hoarse voice. Several studies have concluded that heavy use of inhaled corticosteroids in children can slow growth.

2. Corticosteroid detox medicine at home

In cases of Corticosteroid toxicity, there is a very common occurrence, especially in women. It is corticoid poisoning on the skin due to improper use of skin care cosmetics, abuse of cosmetics, use of products containing cream mixed with corticoid ingredients of unknown origin.
Corticosteroid poisoning on the skin causes serious damage, the inflammatory acne condition appears dense, making the patient self-conscious with the face. The question is, is it possible to use corticosteroids at home?
Depending on the degree of corticosteroid infection, the skin damage in each patient is different. If symptoms are mild, patients can use corticosteroids at home. In case of severe Corticosteroid infection, which not only causes damage to the skin but also affects other organs, causing deterioration of the whole body's health, patients need to go to medical facilities for examination and treatment in combination with antidote. Corticosteroid toxicity with other measures.
Some home-made corticosteroids that patients can refer to include:
Drink lettuce juice:
Lettuce is considered a medicinal herb with heat-clearing and detoxifying properties, except for acne, inflammation, and antibacterial. very good. Drinking lettuce juice every day is not only good for health, reduces Corticoid toxicity on the skin, improves acne caused by corticosteroids. Facial steaming:
Facial steaming helps to relax, opens pores to remove all dirt, reduces congestion, and prevents the risk of new acne formation. To steam for the purpose of detoxifying Corticosteroids, we often use some medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and support to promote faster detoxification such as: ginger, lemongrass, wormwood, perilla, green tea, etc. bamboo leaves... Use the same flavor in the steaming pot for better effect. Note that after steaming, wash your face with cool water to better tighten pores. Depending on the level to consider facial steaming 1-2 times a week. Do not steam daily because it will enlarge the pores. Apply a corticoid detox mask:
For mild cases of Corticosteroid infection, you can refer to how to make a detox mask at home made from bitter melon, green tea, turmeric... These ingredients have both properties and properties. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, contains many vitamins, very good for acne skin.
Corticosteroid is a drug that has therapeutic effects on many different diseases but not all diseases. The use of high-dose corticosteroids for a long time without a combination with drugs that support the reduction of drug toxicity will easily cause dangerous complications. Consult your doctor before changing your dose or stopping your medication.

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