Uses of Amxolpect 30mg

Amxolpect 30mg helps to clear mucus and is often prescribed by doctors to treat respiratory diseases. On the market today, there is a lot of information about Amxolpect 30mg drug product, but it is still incomplete. To better understand what Amxolpect is, how it works, let's learn more in the article below.

1. What is Amxolpect 30mg?

Amxolpect 30mg medicine contains the active ingredient ambroxol HCL 30mg to help clear mucus and is often prescribed by doctors to treat diseases related to the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, and gastritis. - bronchi.
Ingredients of Amxolpect 30mg:
Each pack contains: Ambroxol hydrochloride 30mg Drug class: Drugs that act on the respiratory tract Dosage form:
Oral solution Amxolpect 30mg pharmacodynamics:
Ambroxol is a metabolite chemistry of bromhexin and it has the same effect and function as bromhexine. Ambroxol also works to reduce expectoration and loosen mucus. In some cases, Ambroxol improved symptoms and reduced the number of exacerbations in bronchitis. Recent literature also shows that the drug is effective for patients with mild and moderate obstructive pulmonary disease, but not clearly beneficial for patients with severe obstructive disease. Pharmacokinetics of Amxolpect 30mg:
Ambroxol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed at therapeutic doses. Maximum plasma concentrations are reached within 0.5 to 3 hours after dosing. The drug is approximately 90% bound to plasma proteins. Ambroxol diffuses rapidly from the blood to the tissues with the highest drug concentrations in the lungs. The half-life in plasma ranges from 7 to 12 hours. Approximately 30% of an oral dose is eliminated via the first cycle of absorption. Ambroxol is metabolized mainly in the liver. Total renal excretion is about 90%.

2. What are the uses of Amxolpect 30mg?

Ambroxol is a metabolite of Bromhexin and it acts like Bromhexin. Ambroxol is considered to have expectorant and mucolytic effects but has not been fully proven.
Several documents have reported that Ambroxol improves symptoms and reduces the number of exacerbations in bronchitis.
Nebulizer Ambroxol also works well for patients with alveolar proteinosis, who refuse to wash the bronchi.

3. Side effects of Amxolpect 30mg

The drug is well tolerated. There may be mild and mainly undesirable effects after injection such as heartburn, indigestion, sometimes nausea, vomiting.
Uncommon: Allergic and mainly rash.
Rare: Acute, severe, but uncertain anaphylactic-type reaction related to ambroxol, dry mouth and elevated transaminases.
Inform the doctor about the undesirable effects encountered when using the drug.
4. Contraindications of the drug Amxolpect 30mg – Patients are allergic to the ingredients of the drug.
– The patient has an active peptic ulcer.
5. Drug interactions Co-administration of Ambroxol with antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Cefuroxim, Erythromycin, Doxycyclin increases antibiotic concentration in lung parenchyma. Do not combine the expectorant Ambroxol with another cough suppressant eg Codeine, Atropin. 6. How to use Amxolpect 30mg effectively Patients use it as prescribed by the doctor and below is the usual dose:
Should take Ambroxol with water after you eat. Adults and children over 10 years old use 30-60mg / time, 2 times / day. 7. Precautions and storage when taking Amxolpect 30mg It is necessary to pay attention to people with gastrointestinal ulcers and cases of hemoptysis, because Ambroxol can dissolve fibrin clots and cause bleeding again.
The drug also contains lactose monohydrate – used as an inactive ingredient, caution should be taken in patients with rare hereditary problems of lactose intolerance due to intestinal lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption due to the presence of lactose. can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, discomfort.
There are no known adverse effects when taking the drug during pregnancy. However, caution should be exercised when taking this drug during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Lactation:
Information on concentrations of ambroxol in breast milk is also available. Store Amxolpect 30mg:
Keep in a cool, dry place. Candles should be kept away from high temperatures and direct sunlight.

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