Uses of the drug Maxxvictoria

Maxx Victoria contains levonorgestrel which is an emergency contraceptive. Accordingly, the pill must not be used as a normal method of contraception, but only used to prevent pregnancy when used within 72 hours after unprotected sex. The sooner Maxx Victoria is taken after unprotected intercourse, the more likely it is to work.

1. What is Maxx Victoria and what is it for?

One Maxx Victoria pill containing levonorgestrel 1.5mg is an emergency contraceptive that can be used within 72 hours (or 3 days) of unprotected sex or if conventional contraception has failed. It is in the following cases:
Absolutely do not take any contraception before and during sex. Contraception is used incorrectly, such as when a condom breaks, comes out, or is used incorrectly, if the vaginal canal or diaphragm changes position, breaks, is damaged, or is removed first term, in the event of unsuccessful interrupted intercourse or during the waiting period of interruption (eg: Sperm ejaculated in the vagina or on the external genitalia).
Levonorgestrel is a synthetic hormone that resembles the active substance in the body called levonorgestrel. As such, the Maxx Victoria birth control pill can prevent about 84% of expected pregnancies when taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. It is best to take it within 12 hours rather than delaying it to the third day.
How it works Maxx Victoria contains levonorgestrel 1.5mg which works:
Prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg. Prevents sperm from fertilizing any eggs that could have been released. Therefore, Maxx Victoria is not indicated for use before the first menstrual period, which means no ovulation.

2. Things to know before taking Maxx Victoria birth control pills

Do not use Maxx Victoria birth control pills or tablets containing levonorgestrel 1.5mg if you are allergic to Levonorgestrel or any of the other ingredients in this medicine.
In addition, some cases may not be able to use the Maxx Victoria emergency contraceptive. Therefore, a woman should consult her doctor for a prescription for another type of emergency contraception when:
Are pregnant or think she may be pregnant. Maxx Victoria birth control pills will not work if a woman is already pregnant. However, if you are already pregnant, levonorgestrel 1.5mg cannot cause pregnancy termination. Breastfeeding a baby. Your period is more than 5 days late or you have unusual vaginal bleeding. Had unprotected sex more than 72 hours ago.
Furthermore, the use of Maxx Victoria is also not recommended if a woman:
Has a disease of the small intestine (such as Crohn's disease) that inhibits the absorption of the drug. Decreased liver function. Have a history of ectopic pregnancy. Have a history of tubal inflammation. Maxx Victoria birth control pills do not completely protect the body from sexually transmitted diseases, only condoms can.

3. How to take maxx Victoria?

Always use Maxx victoria exactly as described in the medication guide or as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. Maxx Victoria oral contraceptives containing levonorgestrel 1.5mg are not indicated for use before the first menstrual period in female children and adolescents.
Swallow the tablet whole with water. The time to take Maxx Victoria emergency contraception is as soon as possible, preferably within 12 hours and no later than 72 hours (3 days) after having unprotected sex. Do not delay taking the pill because it works best when taken as soon as possible to prevent fertilization and pregnancy.
Maxx Victoria can be used at any time during the menstrual cycle assuming not pregnant or not able to become pregnant. If vomiting occurs within three hours of taking the pill, take another pill immediately.
After taking Maxx Victoria, if you still want to have sex and do not use birth control pills, you need to use a condom or spermicide until your next menstrual period. This is because levonorgestrel 1.5mg will not work if you have unprotected sex again before your next period.
After using Maxx Victoria, menstruation is usually normal and will begin at the same time; however sometimes this will be a few days later or earlier. If your period started 5 days later than expected, or irregular bleeding occurs at that time, or if you think you may be pregnant, get a pregnancy test early. pregnancy test.

4. Possible side effects when taking Maxx Victoria

Like all medicines, Maxx Victoria birth control pills can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
The most common side effects reported were:
Feeling nauseous. Irregular vaginal bleeding until the next period. Lower abdominal pain. Tired. Headache . In summary, Maxx Victoria contains levonorgestrel which is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It works by blocking the release of an egg from the ovary or by preventing fertilization of an egg by sperm. The pill should not be used to prevent pregnancy on a regular basis in place of other conventional methods. At the same time, levonorgestrel can only help prevent pregnancy but not the spread of any sexually transmitted diseases.

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