Does anal fistula recur?

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After surgery, many people often wonder if anal fistula will recur. To learn about this problem, especially the telltale signs and effective solutions, please refer to some information in the article below.

1. Will anal fistula recur after surgery?

Anal fistula is an infection in the anorectal area, resulting in the appearance of abnormal fistulas under the skin around the anus. Usually when this happens, the patient will be prescribed surgery by a specialist. The principle of effective treatment is to locate the fistula, the abscesses, to locate the right direction of the fistula to remove all fibrous tissue, to break the fistula but not to affect the posterior muscle. subject.
The anal fistula surgery procedure needs to be performed by highly skilled doctors, under the support of a system of modern equipment and quality assurance. In the case of anal fistula treatment at poor quality medical facilities, doctors do not have high expertise, pathogens cannot be removed from the body. When combined with the patient's lack of proper post-treatment care, the bacteria will invade again, leading to the recurrence of anal fistula.
Thus, to the question of whether anal fistula will recur, the answer here is absolutely yes. Therefore, you need to pay attention to detect and have timely remedial solutions.

2. What are the potential risks of recurrent anal fistula?

In the case of recurrent anal fistula, if the patient is not detected and treated promptly, it will cause many dangerous complications to health such as:
Serious infection: Recurrent anal fistula will cause Old wounds become heavily infected and are more difficult to heal. If the infection is not treated in time, it will lead to sores, spreading to the surrounding skin. Increasing the number of fistulas: The enlarged fistula will spread to the benign skin areas, forming multiple anal fistulas, more complicated fistulas than before treatment. The increased fistula will affect the function of the anus, making it difficult for the patient to defecate. Risk of rectal cancer: When anal fistula recurs, the number of fistulas increases. If not treated in time, the fistula will spread to nearby areas such as the rectum and bladder, causing many complications, especially cancer, which is life-threatening.

3. The most accurate sign of anal fistula recurrence

For timely detection of recurrent anal fistula, please refer to some of the following common anal leak signs:
Incisional discharge: This is considered the most typical sign. If you notice that the area of ​​the fistula has just been treated, there is a discharge of pus, there is a high chance that the disease has returned. You will have a wet, itchy feeling in the anal area. Local swelling: Recurrent anal fistulas can also cause painful swelling at the old incision site. When you touch it, you will feel a swelling sensation in the anus. In particular, when the swelling increases in size, it may break and cause pus and bleeding. Bleeding during defecation: Recurrent anal fistulas can cause bleeding during defecation. When you look, you will notice blood mixed in the stool or on the toilet paper. This is a phenomenon that should be paid attention to because if prolonged, it will lead to blood loss, fatigue, and weakness.

4. How to fix anal fistula recurrence?

Thus, you have just referred to some common signs of anal fistula recurrence. So what is the solution to effectively overcome this problem?
First, when you see abnormal signs in the anal area, you need to quickly move to a medical facility, contact a doctor who has had previous surgery for support. Through the symptoms and examination and examination of the disease, the doctor will give timely remedial measures. During the treatment of anal fistula, you should strictly follow the instructions of your doctor. In addition, pay attention to clean the anus daily, wash the anus when defecating with warm water. Besides, you need to maintain a balanced, scientific diet by using soft, liquid, easy-to-digest foods. Choose foods high in fiber to help laxatives, making bowel movements easier. Above is some information to answer the question of whether anal fistula will recur. Because the disease can completely recur immediately after surgery. So in case you notice any unusual signs, you need to contact a specialist for the best advice.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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