What is coccyx in children?

Sebaceous cysts are benign (noncancerous) tumors in the sebaceous glands (the oil-producing glands under the skin). Cocoons are formed due to ruptured hair follicles, trauma, or abnormal sebaceous ducts. These cocoons contain proteins called keratin, skin granules, and lipids. The cysts are not dangerous and do not require treatment unless they are inflamed or infected. However, babies with pox cysts can be painful or affect daily activities.

1. What is a bean bag cocoon?

Peanut cysts are common noncancerous cysts of the skin. Cysts are abnormalities in the body that may contain fluid or semi-liquid. Pea pods are mostly found on the face, neck or trunk. They grow slowly and are not life-threatening, but they can become uncomfortable if they are left unchecked.
The bean pod is shaped like a small nodule under the skin. When touched, they can be seen to move. In addition, the pox cocoons accompanied by an infection will cause swelling and pain in the baby. The average size of the bean pod is usually about 1-2cm.
kén bã đậu dưới da
Kén bã đậu giống như một cục hạch nhỏ từ 1-2cm ở dưới da

Sebaceous cysts form from the sebaceous glands - the oil-producing glands that cover the hair and skin of the whole body. Cysts can develop if the gland or its duct (the passage through which oil can leave) is damaged or blocked. This usually happens due to an injured substance. This injury can be a scratch, surgical wound, or a skin condition, such as acne. Podiatric cysts grow slowly, so trauma can occur weeks or months before they are noticed.
In addition, the cause of bean bag cocoon can also be:
Due to deviation or deformed duct. Damage to cells during a surgery. Genetic conditions, such as Gardner syndrome or Nevus syndrome.

2. Symptoms of bean bag cocoon

Peanut cocoon is usually painless. Large cocoon can cause discomfort and pain. Large cysts located on the neck and face can cause more pressure and pain.
Peanut cocoon usually contain white keratin flakes, this is also the main element that makes up the skin and nails. Most bean pods are soft to the touch. Areas of the body where pox cysts can be detected include: scalp, face, neck, back...
Peanut cysts are considered abnormal and may be cancerous if they have the following characteristics:
The diameter of the cyst is larger than 5cm Very fast recurrence rate after surgical removal Signs of infection such as redness, pain, or discharge

3. Diagnosing bean bag cocoon

Doctors usually diagnose pox cysts after a simple physical exam. If the cysts are abnormal, your doctor may order additional tests to rule out possible cancers. In addition, if the condition is more dangerous, the doctor will order immediate surgical removal.
Common tests used to diagnose pox cyst :
CT scan: This test helps the doctor find the best method for surgery and detect abnormalities on ultrasound and understand the condition. status of pea cocoon. Biopsy: Uses a small amount of tissue from the bean cocoon and tests it in a lab to look for signs of cancer.
chẩn đoán kén bã đậu
Kén bã đậu có thể được chẩn đoán bằng kiểm tra thể chất đơn giản hoặc xét nghiệm

4. Treatment of pea cocoon

A baby with a pox cyst can be treated by a doctor with drainage or surgery to remove it. Usually, the cocoon is removed not because it is dangerous but for cosmetic reasons. Most cysts are not harmful to health, but your doctor will allow you to choose the treatment that's right for you. However, if not surgically removed, the cyst can come back. And the best treatment and complete removal of the pox cyst through surgery can also cause scarring.
Several methods can be used to treat a cystic cyst:
Conventional excision: This is a complete removal of a cyst but can leave a permanent scar. Partial excision can cause scarring and the risk of recurrence of the cyst is very high. Use a laser to remove the biopsy. The doctor will use a laser to create a small hole to drain the cyst of the cyst (the outer wall of the cyst is removed about 1 month later). After the cysts are removed, your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection. Steroid injections: If the cyst is not infected, your doctor may inject a steroid solution into the cyst to reduce inflammation. The main risk of cystectomy is infection or bleeding after surgery. However, this percentage is very low. At the same time, the cysts can recur if not completely removed. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment are not only important, but the patient needs to pay attention to the post-operative care regimen to completely eliminate the unnecessary risks.
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