Diet for the first 3 months of pregnancy

During pregnancy, the diet for pregnant women should be established scientifically because it is decisive to the weight and development of the fetus. In particular, pregnant women need to pay special attention to nutrition in the first 3 months of pregnancy because this is the most important stage of fetal development.

1. How important is nutrition in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

The first 3 months are considered the most important period of fetal development. By the 4th week of pregnancy, the baby's nervous system begins to develop. By week 6, the brain and spinal cord form, along with the development of the heart, circulatory system and other internal organs. By the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, most parts of the fetus' body such as legs, arms, eyes, nose,... are complete.
For comprehensive development, the fetus needs to be provided with adequate nutrients, especially necessary micronutrients such as folic acid, calcium, iron, vitamin D,... If the mother does not provide enough nutrients It can cause birth defects, malnutrition or even miscarriage. Therefore, building a nutritious and scientific first 3 months of pregnancy is extremely necessary for a mother to have a healthy pregnancy and a fully developed baby.

2. Nutritional needs of pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy

Energy: Along with the development of the fetus, the energy needs of pregnant women also change significantly. On average, pregnant mothers in the first 3 months need to provide about 2300 - 2400 kcal/day; Folic acid: Helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects or spina bifida in the fetus. Pregnant women can supplement folic acid through foods such as dark green vegetables (broccoli, water spinach, ...), poultry, cereals,... In addition, pregnant women can also take more folic acid supplements as directed by your doctor; Protein: Very important to ensure the rapid growth of fetal tissue. Not only that, protein also helps in the growth of breast and uterine tissue during pregnancy, enhances blood production, and ensures the health of mother and baby. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to eat more protein-rich foods such as fish, beans, eggs, chicken, milk, lean beef and pork,... in all 3 meals. During this period, pregnant women need about 85-90g of protein/day, 10-15g/day higher than usual; Iron: Pregnant women need to be provided with 36-40mg of iron per day to prevent anemia. Foods with high iron content should be added to the pregnant woman's diet, including red meat, kidney hearts, nuts, green vegetables, etc. In addition, pregnant women can also use oral tablets. provide iron as prescribed by the doctor; Vitamin A: Pregnant women need to be provided with 600mcg of vitamin A/day. Foods rich in vitamin A include meat, fish, eggs, milk, animal liver, dark green vegetables, yellow and red vegetables; Calcium and vitamin D: Are two important nutritional components in the formation of the fetal skeletal system. Pregnant women should add calcium in eggs, shrimp, fish, crabs, milk, green vegetables, beans and should take early sunbathing to enhance vitamin D absorption; Vitamin C: Works to prevent cold symptoms for the mother, helps the baby's bones to be stronger. Vitamin C is found in many vegetables, tubers, fruits,...; Trace elements: Magnesium, selenium, iodine, zinc, B vitamins, DHA/EPA,... also need to be added to the first 3 months of pregnancy nutrition.
Tác dụng của Vitamin C
Trong 3 tháng đầu mang thai, mẹ bầu cần bổ sung vitamin D

3. Foods pregnant women in the first 3 months should avoid

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, if you do not pay attention to food, pregnant women may face the risk of miscarriage. Some of the following foods can cause miscarriage or are not good for the fetus, pregnant women need to carefully abstain:
Pineapple: Eating pineapple or drinking pineapple juice in the first 3 months of pregnancy can cause fetal death save. The reason is because pineapple contains bromelain - the cause of contractions in pregnant women, leading to miscarriage; Crabs: Avoid eating crabs too much in the early stages of pregnancy because they can cause the uterus to contract, cause internal bleeding or even stillbirth. In addition, crabs have a high cholesterol content, which is not good for the health of pregnant women; Aloe Vera: Pregnant women in the first 3 months should avoid using aloe vera juice because it can cause pelvic bleeding leading to miscarriage; Sesame seeds (sesame): A type of food that pregnant women should not eat too much in the early stages of pregnancy. Sesame seeds when combined with honey can lead to miscarriage. However, pregnant women can eat black sesame seeds in the last stage of pregnancy to make childbirth easier; Animal liver: Animal liver contains a lot of vitamin A, but pregnant women should only eat 1-2 times a month. The reason is that if you eat too much animal liver, it will lead to the accumulation of a lot of retinol, which can be harmful to the fetus; Papaya: Green or nursed papaya contains enzymes that can lead to uterine contractions causing miscarriage; Moringa: Although very rich in vitamins, potassium and iron, moringa contains alpha sitosterol which is harmful to pregnant women because it can lead to miscarriage. That's why pregnant women in the first 3 months should not eat this vegetable; Unpasteurized dairy products: Contains listeria bacteria that are harmful to pregnant women; Raw food: Unwashed vegetables and fruits, raw sprouts, undercooked meat,... because a parasite called toxoplasma lives on vegetables, undercooked, undercooked meat can be harmful to the health of the body. mental development of the fetus; Seafood with high mercury content: Pregnant women in the first 3 months of pregnancy should not eat some fish and crustaceans such as swordfish, tilefish, tuna, mackerel, ... because they have jaws. mercury is very high. Instead, pregnant women should choose shrimp, anchovies, salmon, tilapia, ... because they contain less mercury, proven safe for pregnant women. At the same time, pregnant women should not eat raw seafood because they may contain bacteria and viruses that are harmful to the health of mother and baby; Stimulants: Coffee, alcohol, beer and alcohol-containing substances increase the risk of miscarriage, cause birth defects or slow growth of the baby; Salt: Reduce salt in the menu for pregnant women with edema, hypertension or pregnancy toxicity to prevent the risk of complications during delivery.
Trẻ em có nên ăn muối
Mẹ bầu nên hạn chế ăn muối

4. Pregnant women with morning sickness should eat like so that their children have enough nutrition?

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women often experience morning sickness, so they have a feeling of eating and drinking, which negatively affects the health of the mother and indirectly affects the development of the fetus.
In order to eat more deliciously, to help the baby get enough nutrition, pregnant mothers should divide their meals during the day to avoid nausea caused by morning sickness. Cakes, milk, fruits should be prepared to eat in snacks to provide enough nutrients for the baby. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure a scientific diet, a variety of meals with many different foods to help reduce the feeling of loss of appetite. In addition, pregnant women should also combine more rhythmic exercises such as breathing, pregnancy yoga, ... to better digest, reduce morning sickness, eat better.
Paying attention to the important principles when building a diet in the first 3 months of pregnancy above will help pregnant women have good health and comprehensive development of the fetus.
To ensure the best health of pregnant women and fetuses, you should choose to register for all-inclusive Maternity packages at reputable medical facilities to be regularly examined and monitored by doctors for treatment. timely arising and risks occurring during pregnancy and after labor.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package maternity service as a solution to help pregnant women feel secure because of the companionship of the medical team throughout the pregnancy. When choosing Maternity Package, pregnant women can:
The pregnancy process is monitored by a team of highly qualified doctors Regular check-ups, early detection of abnormalities The package pregnancy helps to facilitate convenient for the birthing process Newborns get comprehensive care

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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