Men who take the wrong birth control pill have heart and blood pressure problems?

Hello doctor! I have a problem I want to ask the doctor, if my husband took the wrong birth control pill, is there any heart or blood pressure problem? My husband often has high blood pressure. I would like to thank the doctor for advising me on the case of a man taking the wrong contraceptive pill.
Anonymous question
Hello! Given your husband's current problem, your doctor will first recommend a method to avoid this confusion. When learning about the common unwanted side effects of birth control pills, the doctor found 10 common side effects such as:
Spotting between menstrual periods Nausea Breast pain Headaches and migraines Weight gain Mood changes Delayed period Decreased sex drive Vaginal discharge changes Vision changes in people who use contact lenses) According to you, your husband often suffers from high blood pressure, so it's important that your doctor The doctor's concern is that your husband's blood pressure is optimally controlled.
If you are too worried about your husband's current health status, you can go with your husband to a nearby medical facility or a hospital under Vinmec Health System to be checked by a doctor to give advice. exact case of men taking the wrong contraceptive pill.
Thank you for trusting and sharing the question. We look forward to seeing your family at Vinmec as soon as possible. Best regards!

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Answered by Doctor Le Duc Hiep - Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Intervention - Cardiology Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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