Q&A: What's different about performing a general health check-up at Vinmec?

Hello doctor. Ask the doctor to help me with the answer, what is the difference between performing a general health check-up at Vinmec and other medical facilities? Hoping to get an answer from the doctor.
Anonymous question
Hello. To the question of what is different about the general health examination at Vinmec, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Vinmec fully complies with the usual medical examination steps The medical examination environment at Vinmec is very good: Patients can relax in health examination Modern medical examination equipment, meeting international standards Vinmec invests in good facilities to serve customers A team of highly qualified and experienced doctors Vinmec designs many general health checkup packages in accordance with the objects, according to the needs of customers. For example: Health check with Diamond package is a very comprehensive and quality package, it must be done in 2 days to complete. Health check results at Vinmec are presented bilingually, in Vietnamese and English Applying for insurance payment and incentives for medical examination With advantages and disadvantages in health check at Vinmec, you and families can register to be examined at a hospital of Vinmec Health System to be examined by qualified doctors. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss in more detail.
Answered by Associate Professor, Doctor, Specialist II Chu Hoang Van - Department of Examination - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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