What is a sore throat, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, long-lasting phlegm?

Hello doctor! I am currently a foreign worker in Japan. 8 months ago (ie, September 2019 in Vietnam) I had a cough with a lot of phlegm (feeling of phlegm deep in the bronchi), itchy neck and accompanied by fever lasting about 1 week. I just went to a Western drugstore to buy medicine to take and then it was completely cured. After that, I no longer coughed, but had difficulty breathing until today, but subjectively thought it was due to salty food and high blood pressure, so it made it difficult to breathe. Along with that time in the morning I often stuffy nose and throat with phlegm (thick, dark brown phlegm).
Then the last 1 week when I brushed my teeth I found blood mixed in sputum, mild sore throat, tingling in the throat and this morning when I woke up, I felt a little numb on the inside of my right tongue.
Recently I have felt pain in the lungs in the back, shoulders and arms, shortness of breath. I often have to take a deep breath to catch my breath, sometimes there is a slight sharp pain inside my chest (not often). Doctor help me diagnose, what is a sore throat, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, persistent cough? Will I no longer have a cough but could it be another stage of the disease?
Le Thi Que Huong (1995)
Hello! Sore throat, stuffy nose, persistent cough with phlegm: Most likely you have nasopharyngitis. You should have an ear, nose and throat examination. If after the sore throat is gone, but breathing is still difficult, you should see a general internal medicine specialist.
You can go to the hospitals of Vinmec Health System to be examined and consulted by a specialist doctor. Thank you for sending questions about what is a sore throat, stuffy nose, shortness of breath, and prolonged phlegm cough to Vinmec.
Answered by Master, Doctor Danh Man - Cardiologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.

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