Beware of high blood pressure, which can cause rupture of a blood vessel in the nose

High blood pressure, rupture of a blood vessel in the nose is one of the dangerous complications that is often confused with simple nosebleed symptoms. If blood pressure is not controlled in time, it can cause stroke and lead to other dangerous complications such as heart failure, kidney failure, ...

1. What is a ruptured nose blood vessel?

Rupture of a nasal blood vessel is a condition in which the tiny blood vessels in the arteries in the nose burst, leading to bleeding. There are many causes of a ruptured nasal blood vessel, from minor trauma, blowing your nose to medical complications. High blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels in the nose is also one of the serious causes of nosebleed symptoms. Hypertension is noted when the patient's blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mmHg, causing increased pressure in the blood vessels leading to nosebleeds.

2. Why is the nose blood vessel broken when the blood pressure is high?

Patients with high blood pressure will have higher than normal blood vessel wall pressure, causing damage to blood vessels, even rupture of the walls of small blood vessels in the nose, causing heavy bleeding and difficulty stopping. This is why people with high blood pressure often have nosebleeds. Patients with nosebleeds should pay attention to the cause of high blood pressure when accompanied by the following symptoms:
Frequent fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating on work Shortness of breath, chest tightness Headache, dizziness, dizziness every time you change your position Strength declines Pain in the nape of the neck and ears on both sides of the temples often
Tăng huyết áp vỡ mạch máu mũi
Tăng huyết áp vỡ mạch máu mũi là một trong những biến chứng nguy hiểm

3. High blood pressure, broken nose blood vessels should do?

When there are signs of nose bleed due to hypertension, the patient should be treated and treated as soon as possible with the following steps:
Actively let the patient relax, sit upright, slightly tilt the head forward, avoid tilting the neck back, causing blood to flow back into the throat, overflowing into the trachea, causing aspiration. Gently press the nostrils with your hands, breathe slowly through your mouth until the bleeding slows down and stop completely, and at the same time wipe the bleeding with a cotton swab. Replenish water and can be transferred to medical facilities for timely treatment

4. How to prevent high blood pressure causing nosebleeds?

To prevent nosebleeds due to hypertension can apply the following measures:
Develop a scientific diet, especially for patients who already have high blood pressure. Increase foods that are good for people with high blood pressure such as celery, raisins, green vegetables, fruits, oats, etc. Take enough time to rest and relax after work or physical activity. Get enough sleep, exercise in moderation Get regular check-ups to keep your blood pressure under control. Best for patients with a history of high blood pressure, you should go to a medical facility to get checked. appropriate assessments of health status.
Vinmec International General Hospital is currently a high-quality medical care address with a team of doctors and a system of modern equipment. Therefore, when having any health problems, customers can go to the hospital to be examined and listen to advice from a qualified doctor.

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