Does taking Omega 3 reduce blood fat?

Omega 3 is a type of unsaturated fatty acid that plays an important role in the human body. Omega 3 has 3 main types including EPA, DHA and DPA. So what is the effect of unsaturated fatty acids and does taking Omega 3 reduce blood fat?

1. What are the effects of Omega 3?

The most commonly used fish oils today are divided into two types: fish oil containing fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins A and D, and fish oil containing omega-3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is actually a healthy fat and omega-3 fish oil got its name because it contains an unsaturated fatty acid that contains a double bond called omega-3 acid and is often found in the composition of liver oil. fish. Omega-3 is not just a substance, it is also a group of unsaturated fatty acids. There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids involved in human physiology including:
-linolenic acid (ALA) found in vegetable oils; Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) found in fish; Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is found in fish in cold, deep seas. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in many other foods. In particular, there are 2 types of Omega 3, EPA and DHA, which are the most beneficial for health. The human body can only convert a small amount of ALA into EPA and DHA. The normal human body cannot synthesize all three types of fatty acids at the same time, but must be obtained from food sources on a daily basis.
Fat containing a double bond is omega-3 which is considered good for the heart. The reason is that using it at the right dose can lower the bad cholesterol in the blood without affecting the good cholesterol. Using Omega 3 types such as EPA, DHA at the right dose, in the right way can reduce blood triglycerides, reduce the rate of coronary artery disease, reduce the rate of myocardial infarction.
The average person should consume monounsaturated fats up to 15% of the total energy provided by the diet. Even, for long-term health benefits, saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats with a lot of double bonds can be replaced with unsaturated fats containing one double bond.
Fish oil containing omega-3 has the following main effects:
Preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease: Omega 3 is effective in reducing blood fat in the body and preventing the risk of heart disease circuit . People with high blood pressure, blood clotting disorders, or atherosclerosis should also supplement with Omega 3. Help you sleep better: One of the reasons why you have trouble sleeping, not sleeping well, Poor sleep is caused by a deficiency of Omega 3. When supplemented with this unsaturated fatty acid, the body produces less of the hormone melatonin. Meanwhile, the melatonin component is extremely necessary for you to easily fall asleep and improve sleep quality effectively. Therefore, supplementing with Omega 3 is also an effective solution for cases of frequent insomnia and poor sleep. Helps limit defects and beautify skin: DHA and EPA are two types of Omega 3 that are very good for the skin. When using DHA and EPA, your skin will become more beautiful, healthier and prevent the risk of premature aging. Brain development and vision enhancement: DHA is a key component for the brain and retina of the eye. Therefore, DHA in the composition of Omega 3 is very necessary and important in brain development, nervous system and vision improvement. In particular, this is an ingredient that works to prevent macular degeneration. Taking Omega 3 also has a good effect in improving some neurological disorders and against some autoimmune diseases. At the same time, it also has benefits in contributing to the treatment of some diseases such as ulcerative colitis, rheumatism, psoriasis,... In addition, Omega 3 also works to reduce the risk of disease. diseases such as cancer, reducing blood fat in the liver, ... Therefore, it is very necessary to supplement Omega 3 for the body. However, you also need to learn the information and how to properly supplement to get the best nutritional value from this fatty acid.

2. Does taking Omega 3 reduce blood fat?

Take Omega 3 to reduce blood fat? The answer is yes. According to recent studies, it has been shown in the composition of fatty fish oil or Omega 3. The ingredient has a good effect to help reduce the signs of blood fat effectively. However, in case of suspected dyslipidemia, it is best not to buy fish oil containing Omega-3 or take Omega 3 to self-treat at home, but go to the doctor for advice. . At that time, the doctor examined and ordered to do adequate paraclinical tests to assess the status of fat in the blood. The use of drugs to treat dyslipidemia (or lipid-lowering drugs) or the use of supportive products completely depends on the indications of the doctor for examination and treatment.

3. Some notes when taking Omega 3

Because of the proven benefits, the American Heart Association recommends that adults eat fish at least twice a week (fatty fish containing omega-3 acids or healthy fats). The Eskimos are found to rarely suffer from coronary artery disease (such as coronary artery stenosis due to fatty deposits) because this ethnic group eats a lot of fish that contains a variety of omega-3 fatty acids, including omega-6. . Taking high doses of Omega-3 to treat diseases including reducing blood fat requires a prescription from a medical doctor. So, "take Omega 3 to reduce blood fat?" got the answer. This is a healthy fat, but the use of drugs to treat hyperlipidemia should be strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Patients should not arbitrarily use to avoid health effects.

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