Quiz: Test your understanding of chronic constipation

Chronic constipation not only causes discomfort and bloating, but also greatly affects work, life, time and finances. In particular, there are cases of constipation that occur continuously for many years. So what is chronic constipation? Do you understand what chronic constipation is? The following multiple choice questions will test your understanding of chronic constipation and help you understand it better.

Constipation is not immediately life-threatening, so most patients are often subjective and ignore the initial symptoms. Gradually, the disease progressed worse and became chronic constipation, causing complications such as bowel obstruction, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids, anal fissures... Therefore, if there are symptoms of constipation, it is necessary to Apply treatment as soon as possible.
The general definition of chronic constipation is having bowel movements less than 3 times per week and lasting more than 3 months. However, experts believe that many people with chronic constipation do not realize their condition, so the definition becomes inaccurate. The questions below help you understand more about chronic constipation syndrome.

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