[Video] Don't be subjective with gallstone disease

Gallstones are the deposition of bile into a solid mass or slurry. Gallstones can form in many different locations in the bile duct system such as gallstones, common bile duct stones, bile duct stones in the liver. Gallstones can cause very dangerous complications to the patient's health, even death if not detected and treated promptly.

In the video below, Doctor Duong Xuan Loc - Gastroenterologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital will share with you information about types of gallstones and their location. in the biliary system, at the same time, the doctor will also explain how to distinguish the symptoms of gallstone disease from the symptoms of some other gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach - duodenum, colon through ultrasound method. abdominal sound for patients to actively screen and prevent disease.

With a team of qualified doctors and support from modern equipment, customers when visiting Vinmec International General Hospital will be assessed liver function through ultrasound images, Total blood cell analysis, early screening for liver cancer... help to detect early risks for appropriate treatment.

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Source: THVN Center in Hue City

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