Is bowel incontinence after surgery for rectal cancer abnormal?

Hi doctor,
I have had rectal cancer surgery and it's been 7 weeks now. Generally fine after surgery, but bowel movements are very uncomfortable (incontinence and moreover, frequent bowel movements day and night). So the doctor asked me if I had an abnormal bowel movement after surgery for rectal cancer? What do I need to do to improve this situation? I thank the doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Hoang Duc Nam - Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
With the question “Is it abnormal to have bowel movements after surgery for rectal cancer? ”, the doctor would like to answer as follows:
You need to be more specific: Age, gender, stage of disease (what stage of cancer), are you or have had any combination chemotherapy - radiotherapy or not, method What is surgery: radical tumor resection, re-establishing gastrointestinal circulation (making an anastomosis) 1, or need to put an ostomy (wearing a condom) to the skin temporarily, or permanently, where the tumor is (colon) right, left, transverse or sigmoid-rectum, anal canal.....); The length of the intestine removed is short, which part of the colon is left, what type of mouth is connected.... then the doctor has a basis to explain it to you.
In general: In principle: Because the colon is the part of the intestine whose physiological function is to reabsorb water, making the stool dry / dry, cutting the colon is easier to make watery stools. In these cases, usually over time (4 - 6 months) the body will have some adjustment and improvement,... Especially in cases of cutting many or the entire colon, connecting the small intestine to the tube. anus, ... then this problem is more serious because it does not have the function of absorbing water anymore. In addition, some cases of chemo-radiotherapy also affect live bowel movements, stimulation,... In addition, if the sigmoid tumor - the rectum cannot be removed (due to invasion) but only causes the anus to multiply. created on the line, there is also a bowel disorder, often with a feeling of straining.
If you still have questions about incontinence after surgery for rectal cancer, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wish you a lot of health.
Best regards!

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