What are the routes of hepatitis C infection?

Hello doctor,
I drew blood for a patient who was not careful enough to make the needle smeared with blood on his hand, a patient with chronic hepatitis C. At that time, I was wearing gloves and my hands were not bleeding, only a slight scratch on the outer skin. The doctor asked me if I have hepatitis C and what are the ways of hepatitis C infection?
Ngan (1993)
Answered by Doctor Mang Thi Phuong Mai - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

With the question “What are the ways of hepatitis C infection? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Hepatitis C is transmitted through blood, sexual contact, from mother to child through the placenta at birth. If you are at high risk for hepatitis C transmission, you should be tested for hepatitis C right away and tested for hepatitis C after 3 months.
Hepatitis C is a dangerous infectious disease with a high mortality rate. People with hepatitis C are at risk of facing many dangerous complications such as liver failure, cirrhosis or even liver cancer. More dangerous when hepatitis C currently does not have a vaccine. Therefore, to prevent the disease, we can only prevent the causes of hepatitis C.
In addition, each of us needs to be conscious of preventing the disease for ourselves and those around us from the causes. cause hepatitis C to avoid rapid spread of the disease in the community. If you find yourself having symptoms of hepatitis C virus, you should soon see a specialist for examination and specific diagnostic tests, so that the doctors can give accurate advice and treatment methods. help you.
If you still have questions about hepatitis C infection, you can go to a hospital under Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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