Hand numbness, hand fatigue for a long time, how to treat?

Hello doctor. I have hand numbness, very difficult to hold the pen to write. My hands are weak, I feel like I don't have the strength to hold something firmly, I'm very tired if I have to do a repetitive movement such as brushing my teeth, washing clothes, .. At night, I often have pain in my arms. . I have been like this for 20 years now. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Autonomic Nervous System Disorder, also treated with no cure. Can you give me some advice on how to treat it? I sincerely thank.
Anonymous question
Hello. You should see a Neurologist to be able to diagnose muscle weakness, very numb hands if you have to perform a repetitive movement.
Your doctor will examine you and order tests to distinguish muscle weakness caused by neuromuscular diseases from other conditions (eg, fatigue due to cardiovascular or lung disease, joint pain or stiffness, etc.).
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that leads to disturbances in conduction at neuromuscular junctions and reduces muscle function, characterized by fatigue and skeletal muscle weakness, this manifestation increases with exertion and decreases with rest. Vinmec International General Hospital currently has modern methods of diagnosing myasthenia gravis, performed by a team of qualified and experienced medical doctors, with a complete and advanced medical equipment system that will give you the best results. accurate diagnosis of myasthenia gravis.
Thank you for your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
TS.BS Truong Ngoc Hai - Resuscitation Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

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