How long after cesarean section to use scar cream?

Hello doctor, how long after cesarean delivery can I use scar cream? Thank you.
Anonymous question
As for how to apply anti-scar skin cream, how and how long after giving birth, you need to be prescribed by a doctor. Depending on the location and condition of the incision, the doctor will prescribe a skin cream along with a topical medication to help the incision heal quickly and avoid keloids.
Do not apply the cream by hand, but use a clean cotton swab to apply the cream to the skin of the incision. Take good care of the incision in order to recover the incision early and limit the degree of keloid scars depending on the location of each pregnant woman.
You can go to medical facilities or hospitals of Vinmec Health System to be examined by a doctor and get more advice on caring for the cesarean section after birth.
Thank you for trusting and sharing your concerns about how long after cesarean delivery should I use scar cream? to Vinmec. Best regards!

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