Up to the month but only a few menstrual periods are black, what's wrong?

Hello doctor. May I ask, what's wrong with the month but only a few black menstrual periods? Please consult your doctor.
Anonymous customer question
Please ask the doctor this month my period is 9 days earlier than last month. Menstruation is black but very little. So are you sick? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. I thank you.
Anonymous customer question
Hello. Normally, your menstrual blood will be bright red or dark red, lasting from 3 to 7 days. Black menstruation is an abnormal phenomenon of menstrual disorders and there is a potential risk of diseases such as: Hormonal disorders, gynecological diseases, cervical structure...
In this case you You need to go to a gynecologist to be examined by a doctor, do endocrine tests to accurately diagnose the problem up to the month but indicate what is wrong with a few black periods. Once the specific cause is assessed, your doctor will recommend the right treatment for your health condition. You can go to Vinmec Health System hospitals nationwide to get more advice from doctors.
Thank you for trusting Vinmec. Best regards!

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