With vestibular and cerebrovascular disorders, what to do when taking drugs?

Hello doctor! I often have fatigue in the right shoulder blade and when I stretch my chest, it often hurts, the pain is like muscle pain. After a while, sometimes numbness in the hands and feet. After that, he often lost his balance when standing and lying down. If you stand or sit for a long time, you will be easily dizzy and lose consciousness (transient). I have been examined at major hospitals, the doctors said that I have vestibular and cerebrovascular disorders. But taking the medicine to take it didn't help at all. I hope the doctor can advise you to help me with vestibular and cerebrovascular disorders, what should I do if I take drugs?
Nguyen Xuan Huynh , 1987
Your information is quite sketchy, it is not clear what tests you have been done and which vestibular disorder drugs are used. Symptoms of numbness and loss of balance can often be seen in diseases of the nervous system. However, if you are diagnosed with a vestibular and cerebrovascular disorder that does not go away with medication, then you should be systematically examined with a neurologist, requiring extensive testing to get a good diagnosis. accurate diagnosis, from which will be consulted and choose the appropriate treatment method.
You can go to a reputable medical facility specializing in neurology or one of the hospitals under the Vinmec Health System nationwide.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Best regards!

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Answered by Doctor Vu Dung Kien - Doctor of Neurology - Department of General Internal Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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