Does eating acne cause acne?

“Acne pathology” and “eating acne” are homonymous phrases, so many people wonder “does eating acne cause acne?” or "is it good to eat a lot of caviar?". In fact, there is no research or scientific evidence to prove that eating acne will cause acne.

Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Doan Minh Thanh - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International Hospital

In acne contains a lot of Omega-3 that research also proves that, Omega-3 has the effect of reducing inflammation of acne, stimulating the healing process of the skin, making the skin healthier.
Thus, with the question "Does eating acne cause acne?" or "is it good to eat a lot of caviar?" Then the answer is no, even eating acne is good for the skin, especially acne-prone skin.
In fact, there are many misconceptions about acne, the 3 most common include:
Acne only occurs during puberty: In fact, outside of puberty, there is still a possibility of acne Fish, there are people 50-60 years old who still have persistent acne. Newborns also have acne. Acne growth due to poor hygiene: Actually this is not true, there are cases where too much hygiene leads to skin damage, irritation to the skin, making the skin more acne-prone. Stress causes acne: In fact, stress does not cause acne, but it can make acne worse. Hopefully the videos will help people understand more about the condition of acne and get a satisfactory answer to the question "Does eating acne cause acne? ” or “Is it good to eat a lot of caviar?”

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