Does python fat hair removal really work?

Python fat can be used as a hair removal ingredient at home for many women. Besides that, there are questions surrounding hair removal with python fat, is it really effective? How does python fat remove hair permanently? All will be shared in detail through the article below.

1. What is python fat hair removal method?

Python fat is an animal fat obtained directly from the fresh fat of the python. Basically, it is like other animal fats, has a characteristic smell of fat, has a yellow color.
Fat is taken right in the python processing, impurities are removed, fat film and after an extraction process will create a light yellow viscous solution.
The chemical composition of python fat is ester. In unprocessed python fat, up to 16 types of triglyceride fatty acids exist in nature in the form of straightened fatty acids.
The first is a rare natural acylglycerol and diacylglycerol monolayer. In addition, python fat also contains steroids, phospholipids, waxes, terpenes, etc. refined fats containing only triglycerides.
According to research experts, the triglycerides in python fat when absorbed into the hair follicle will soften the hair and make hair removal easier. This is also the main factor in the hair removal effect of python fat.
Although python fat does not have the ability to shed hair, it will help hair grow softer, shorter and even not grow at all. Thanks to that, pores are also minimized. Nowadays, many beauty salons choose python fat hair removal method because it is quite effective and benign.
In addition to the effect of hair removal, python fat is also an effective remedy for burns, treating dry, cracked skin, cracked heels, blackheads ... With such preeminent features, do you hesitate? without owning a jar of python fat so that you can use it right away when needed.
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2. Is hair removal with python fat really effective?

There are many good feedbacks after applying python fat hair removal method. However, this product also exposes many limitations.
As shared by Ms. S.S on a website specializing in beauty: "I myself have tried many different hair removal methods before, but the result is that the leg hair is still more, longer, harder and blacker. The average size of the hair is more than 2cm, the body is quite long, making her very uncomfortable and not confident in wearing her favorite dresses. After being introduced by friends, she tried the method of hair removal with python fat. A month after using, her leg hair still grows but thinner, silken and soft. The length is reduced to 0.3 cm, the sense is no longer loss of aesthetics". She added: "The longest fibers are only about 0.5cm, can be picked up easily with tweezers, without feeling any pain."
However, she is also afraid because: “There are many fibers that cannot grow out of the pores. It grows under the skin, grows upside down so she has to use tweezers to pick it up, there are many long hairs that bleed when pulled out, sometimes leaving scars. Her skin also shows mild inflammation, it turns red when it's cold, there's no acne or itchiness, but when the hair grows back, it just rolls inward."
According to experts: There are not many studies on whether python fat is safe for hair removal or not. The case of patients with allergies after using this method also has not had complete statistics. People who have skin inflammation or allergies may be allergic to the components of python fat. Until now, we mainly know the effect of python fat in the treatment of burns. If so, it just stops at python fat has the effect of tightening pores."
Experts also recommend, when using python fat, you must also be very careful to avoid buying poor quality python fat, of unknown origin. The "fake" python fat used can cause allergies, rashes...
Therefore, for safe and effective hair removal, you should still go to a hospital or a reputable doctor or facility. Do not arbitrarily listen to groundless rumors or winged advertisements that damage your skin.

3. Instructions for hair removal with python fat

If you are not a person with allergies or have ever used python fat for effective hair removal, you can apply this method at home as follows:
B1: Exfoliate the skin that needs to be exfoliated. hair. This step will help you remove old cells, making pores open, skin soft and easier to absorb nutrients better. To exfoliate, you can use exfoliating gels and creams on the market, giving preference to products with benign natural ingredients to limit damage to your skin. B2: Use a safe waxing method, Do not shave because shaving makes the hairs not only not removed but also grow back harder and darker. B3: Apply python fat to the area of ​​​​the skin that has just been removed, let it sit for about 1 hour for the python fat to penetrate to soften the skin and prevent hair growth. Experts recommend doing it at night for the best effect of hair removal python fat. After hair removal, apply python fat once a day for 3 consecutive days to limit hair regrowth and help tighten pores more effectively.
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Sử dụng mỡ trăn triệt lông bí quyết của các spa mà bạn có thể tham khảo

4. Notes when removing hair with python fat

Besides the above advantages, python fat hair removal will also exist some unavoidable limitations, so you should refer to the following notes:
- Do not use python fat for hair removal in areas of skin with open wounds
- How long the effect of python fat will last depends on the user's location
- You should pay attention to choose to buy pure python fat, of clear origin Obviously, avoid choosing the wrong products of poor quality because they can cause a lot of harm in the hair removal process.
- After applying python grease, if the hair still grows back, you should wait until the hair grows completely before you should remove the hair again.

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