Is laser hair removal safe and effective?

Laser hair removal is a method that helps to remove unwanted areas of hair quickly, safely and reliably. This method is more appreciated than other methods such as plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis or chemicals,...

1. What is diode laser hair removal technology?

Factors such as age, sex, body weight, hormones, genetics, metabolic status, race, location of hair growth, drugs, weather,... all affect the process. hair growth. Hair grows in 3 stages: Active growth - Transition phase - Resting phase. At one time, hair in different locations on the body would be at different stages. As a result, all body hair does not fall out at once.
Diode laser hair removal is a technique that emits a strong light beam and is absorbed by the pigments in the hair follicle. The more pigmented (dark) the hair is, the more effective it will be. The emitted laser pulses will evaporate the pigment, reducing damage to the surrounding skin. The hair follicles will absorb the laser energy, impairing the ability to grow new hairs.
While laser hair removal usually does not provide permanent results, many studies show that areas where laser hair has been removed often grow back more slowly than other methods. In particular, diode laser hair removal is very effective in stopping hair growth at the active growth stage.
Triệt lông laser diode l
Kỹ thuật triệt lông bằng laser diode

2. Indications for laser hair removal

Indications for laser hair removal in the following cases:
Body hair removal: Lasers for hair removal can be used for most parts of the body. Many types of laser can effectively treat large areas of skin such as back, chest, private area, face (especially mustache and chin), shoulders, neck, arms, legs,...; Subjects of hair removal: Because the energy is absorbed by the dark pigmented areas, laser hair removal works best for people with light skin and black hair. For those with dark skin, more treatments are needed. People with light hair do not respond well to lasers because there is little or no dark pigment in the hair follicles; Treatment time: The number of treatments depends on the skin color, coat color, thickness, hardness of the hair and the skin area to be treated. On average, after 3-5 treatments, each time 4-6 weeks apart, the hair will grow about 50-80% less.

3. Laser hair removal procedure

3.1 Preparation

Avoid sunlight for 4 weeks before treatment. Users should protect their skin by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or higher; Avoid other hair removal treatments for 4 weeks prior to treatment. Methods such as: Plucking, waxing, electrolysis, ... can affect hair follicles; Avoid taking blood thinners such as anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin or products that can cause photosensitivity before treatment; It is recommended to cut, shave the day before the laser treatment to remove the hair on the surface of the skin; Do not take isotretinoin within 6 months prior to laser hair removal treatment; Inform your doctor about a history of herpes virus infection in the area that needs hair removal because the patient may need prophylactic treatment.
Chống nắng
4 tuần trước khi thực hiện triệt lông bạn cần chống nắng bằng cách thường xuyên sử dụng kem chống nắng

3.2 Implementation process

Patients are cleaned the hair removal area, some patients are assigned to apply anesthetic. If hair removal on a small area in a patient with sensitive skin, it is necessary to numb the treatment area for about 1 hour for the anesthetic to take effect;
Laser diode hair removal is performed in a private room with equipment installed. The doctor and the patient need to wear eye protection during the procedure. During the procedure, the skin is kept taut and laser beamed. When irradiating the laser, the patient will feel the skin warm, with a slight stinging sensation;
Hair removal time depends on the size of the treatment area. Mustache removal usually only takes a few minutes, but hair removal on the back or legs can take more than an hour.

3.3 Results

After laser hair removal, in most patients, hair will not grow back for several months or years. When it grows back, the hair is also usually much less dense than before, thinner and lighter in color. To make sure hair doesn't grow back, you may need maintenance treatment.
Triệt lông
Triệt lông bằng laser diode sẽ giúp lông mọc lại nhạt màu và mỏng hơn

4. Some notes after treatment

After diode laser hair removal treatment, the patient needs to follow all instructions of the doctor to reduce the risk of side effects. Some notes include:
After the treatment, the skin is often red and swollen like a mild sunburn. The patient can relieve discomfort by applying ice packs; Avoid exposing the treatment area to direct sunlight; Do not use artificial tanning machines, ultraviolet lamps, indoor sunbathing equipment,...; Do not use tan dye; Protect your skin by using sunscreen. Sunscreen should be applied before going out with SPF 50+ and waterproof.

5. Side effects of laser hair removal

Although effective and safe, laser hair removal can also cause some side effects. Side effects when laser hair removal will vary depending on skin type, hair color, treatment plan, patient coordination before and after treatment,...

5.1. Some common side effects

Skin irritation: The patient's skin may be uncomfortable, swollen and red for a short time after treatment. These symptoms usually resolve within a few hours; Pigmentation changes: Laser hair removal can increase or decrease pigmentation in the treatment area. This is usually a temporary reaction. These changes tend to fade, the skin will return to normal;
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Tình trạng kích ứng da có thể xảy ra vài giờ sau khi triệt lông

5.2. Rare side effects

Rare side effects include blistering, crusting on the skin, changes in skin structure or skin infection, scarring. In addition, the patient may have gray hair, excessive hair growth around the treatment area. Therefore, it should be noted, do not laser hair removal on the eyelids, eyebrows or surrounding skin to avoid the risk of serious eye injury.
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective procedure if done correctly, some people can have mild side effects and return to normal soon. However, if you notice any abnormal symptoms, the patient should go to the doctor for early treatment to avoid dangerous complications.

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