Is too much nail polish harmful?

Nail polish is one of the most popular beauty treatments among women. However, to create those eye-catching colorful nail polish bottles, there are many different chemical ingredients that cause abrasion and damage to nails. Therefore, experts always recommend not to do it regularly. So is too much nail polish harmful?

1. Is too much nail polish harmful?

Normally, a nail polish bottle is composed of coloring factor and liquid solutions to polish the polish, mainly including the following ingredients: acetone, ethyl acetate, phthalate dibutyl, formaldehyde. In the nail polish bottle, there are 3 substances that seriously affect the nails as well as the health of manicurists and professionals: dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde and toluene.
In the composition of 1 bottle of nail polish also includes mineral pigments, synthetic pigments. These pigments, when exposed for a long time in the nail, will yellow or darken the nail color, instead of the normal ivory white nail.
In addition, in the process of cutting or fixing nails, many people often have the habit of cutting close to the base of the nail, the flesh at the tip of the nail is exposed. This habit is not good, because when the protective horny layer is lost, the exposed flesh will be susceptible to infection.

2. Does nail polish have any effect?

Too much nail polish can cause problems, some of the most common of which include:
2.1 Nail fungus Nail fungus caused by candida or trychophyton fungi is the most common problem with frequent nail polish. When nail fungus, on the nail will appear milky white dots near the base of the nail, if left for a long time, it will become inflamed and swollen. If not detected early, can make you more susceptible to infection through nail tools when shared with others.
2.2 Nails are prone to thinning and weakness In nail polish contains formaldehyde. Formaldehyde in gel polish is the "culprit" of thinning nails, brittleness and easy breakage.
2.3 Effects on the fetus during pregnancy Pregnant women, if absorbed for a long time Toluence can cause the risk of miscarriage or birth defects.
Toluence is a substance found in gasoline that is added to nail polish ingredients to create shine and smoothness for nails, keeping the color of the nail polish for a long time. However, when using too much of this chemical can cause great effects on the central nervous system, affecting fertility in women, fetal health if the mother is pregnant. pregnant.
Therefore, experts recommend not to wear nail polish while pregnant to avoid harming the health of the fetus
2.4 Affects the nervous system Normally, nail polish bottles often have a slightly pungent smell. , if exposed regularly and smelled nail polish, manicurists will experience nerve-related problems. The reason is that in nail polish contains triphenlyphosphate, which affects the brain, because it acts like a poison
In addition, toluene in nail polish when evaporated in does not cause nerve stimulation. , eyes, throat and lungs such as: feeling nauseous, burning eyes, feeling like "drunk".
Sơn móng tay nhiều có hại không
Sơn móng tay nhiều có thể khiến móng bị mỏng và yếu hơn
2.5 Harm to the heart, liver, lungs Long-term exposure to chemicals in nail polish, according to experts, will affect the heart, liver, and lungs. Benzene contained in nail polish remover when entering the lungs is also absorbed very quickly, then into the liver, spinal cord, fat cells, affecting substances in the bone marrow, hindering hematopoiesis. Then attach to proteins, DNA, hinder growth, reproduction, causing cell mutations.
2.6 Risk of cancer According to research, formaldehyde contained in nail polish products is a carcinogen, if inhaled regularly, it can cause respiratory failure, lung cancer, blood cancer, throat cancer,...
Cheap nail polish products are favored by many students because their eye-catching colors not only contain some heavy metal ingredients but they also contain Sudan. This is a highly toxic chemical. If used regularly, this toxin will accumulate in the body gradually causing a high risk of cancer.
Toluene is a toxic substance that affects the immune system, reproduction and is involved in the formation and development of blood cancers such as malignant lymphoma. From the toxic ingredients in nail polish mentioned above, women can find out for themselves whether a lot of nail polish is harmful or not.

3. Pay attention to safe nail polish

To beautify and be safe for health, before applying nail polish, you need to pay attention to a few important issues:
As recommended, it is reasonable to paint nails 5-6 times/year. This is also a way to help strengthen nails. Pregnant women should not wear nail polish. Should choose nail polish products with natural ingredients, with clear origin. Do not use products containing harmful substances such as dibutyl phthalate, toluene, formaldehyde. Wear gloves and a mask when you have to frequently contact with nail polish. To protect healthy nails, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer after nail removal. Apply coconut oil daily to help nourish nails. If your nails are yellow, you can use lemon to scrub them white.
Sơn móng tay nhiều có hại không
Bạn chỉ nên làm móng 5 - 6 lần/năm để móng tay được khỏe hơn
Hopefully with the above information, you can answer the question yourself, does nail polish have any effect? As well as know the risks that can be encountered if you paint your nails regularly.
Regularly visit Vinmec International General Hospital website for more information and useful beauty tips in life. Or customers can send questions to the hospital to be answered enthusiastically by experts and doctors.

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