What substances are in your cosmetics and make-up?

In addition to evaluating the makeup effect of beauty products, women are also interested in what is in cosmetics? Because now there are many lead ingredients in cosmetics that can be harmful to health and skin.

1. Some cosmetic ingredients can harm the skin

In most products, cosmetics today contain color additives. However, to be safe, these additives need FDA approval. Because some substances can be harmful to health. For example, the dark color additive “kohl” is not allowed in the United States because it can cause lead poisoning. Therefore, to ensure safety, you should pay attention to avoid lead ingredients in cosmetics. Just because some makeup creams are labeled "toxin-free" doesn't mean they're safe. On the contrary, these products can still have certain effects on health.
Mercury ingredients in cosmetics cause serious health effects, because it can be absorbed through the skin. Mascara contains a small amount of mercury. Only in this small amount, but when used regularly can have negative health effects. Accordingly, you should note that some lipsticks also contain a small amount of mercury.
The use of perfumes, nail polish, deodorants can also cause skin irritation, hormonal disturbances. This is because these products contain phthalates. This is a chemical that has been warned to limit its use in cosmetics. Besides, coal tar (coal tar) and talc (hydrous magnesium silicate) are also dangerous chemical ingredients for health in general and skin in particular. In particular, coal tar is a potentially carcinogenic substance that is banned for use in Europe. This substance is found in products such as shower gel, deodorant, shampoo, etc. Long-term use of products containing this ingredient can cause the body to absorb and damage the muscles. other officials.
Talc (hydrous magnesium silicate) is an ingredient that occurs in some baby powders. Many studies have shown that this ingredient is the cause of lung cancer, ovarian cancer and skin cancer.
On the other hand, makeup creams are introduced as hypoallergenic, meaning it reduces the risk of cosmetic allergies to your skin somewhat. However, it also will not guarantee 100% safety for users. Even if these products are marketed as "all-natural" or "organic," you run the risk of developing an allergic reaction to cosmetic ingredients.
According to experts, this is true for products labeled as “dermatologist tested”.
SEE ALSO: What effects does lead poisoning have on the body and face?
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2. How to use cosmetics safely

First, you should not share cosmetics such as mascara, lipstick, eyeshadow... with other people. Because germs are easy to penetrate into makeup. The sharing of cosmetics and makeup will put bacteria at risk of spreading and growing.
Second, women should not add water or saliva to dried mascara. By doing so, germs will accumulate and thrive. You should throw away mascara after 3 months of use to avoid eye irritation.
Third, always make sure to remove mascara before going to bed at night. Mascara can get into your eyes and cause an infection while you sleep.
Fourth, absolutely do not wear eye makeup while driving or operating vehicles. Because your hands are easy to slip, the mascara tool will scratch your eyes and cause eye infections.
Finally, always use and choose to buy makeup products at reputable cosmetic stores that are approved by the authorities and are safe to use.

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Reference source: webmd.com

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