Causes of orchitis

The article is expertly consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Orchitis is inflammation of one or both right and left testicles, usually caused by bacterial or viral infection of mumps. The disease can be completely cured.

1. What is orchitis?

Orchitis is inflammation of the left, right or both testicles in the scrotum. It is usually caused by an infection in the testicles or by infection with the mumps virus.
Bacterial orchitis is usually caused by an infection that is caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs), most commonly gonorrhea or chlamydia. The majority of cases of bacterial orchitis usually lead to epididymitis, which is an inflammation of the vas deferens (also called the epididymis) at the back of the testicle.
Patients often experience severe pain in the left or right testicle and can affect reproductive function. However, with good treatment, most cases go away completely without any significant complications and rarely lead to infertility.
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2. Who usually has orchitis?

Orchitis can appear at any age, but most men over 45 years old and especially patients who are infected with mumps. The likelihood of getting the disease can be limited by minimizing risk factors and avoiding those that cause disease.

3. Causes of orchitis

The cause of orchitis can be bacterial or viral:
Bacterial orchitis Usually, the diagnosis of orchitis is caused by a bacterial infection, which leads to inflammation in the coiled tube that connects the vas deferens and testicles (epididymis), which function to conduct sperm.
Epididymitis is usually caused by a urethral or bladder infection that has spread to the epididymis. The main causative agent of infection is sexually transmitted disease, especially gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Viral orchitis Patients with viral orchitis are usually the result of mumps. About one-third of men with mumps after puberty are at risk of developing mumps-associated orchitis, usually within 4-6 days of onset.

4. Risk factors for orchitis

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Những người đang mắc nhiễm trùng đường tiết niệu có nguy cơ viêm tinh hoàn cao hơn bình thường
Several risk factors can lead to orchitis, including:
Patients who have not been immunized against mumps Being over 45 years of age Having recurrent urinary tract infections Have had surgery involving an organ Genital or urinary tract infections, leading to risk of orchitis due to infection Congenital history of urinary tract abnormalities High-risk sexual behavior leading to sexually transmitted diseases is a predisposing factor. for patients susceptible to sexually active orchitis. These behaviors include: having multiple sex partners, partners with STIs, having unprotected sex, a personal history of sexually transmitted infections Although have more or less effect on fertility, but the disease can be completely cured without complications and in very few cases leads to infertility.
Men, when they see signs of suspected testicular infection, should go to a reputable hospital early to be examined, to avoid being subjective for a long time, it will have bad effects on reproduction. Vinmec International General Hospital has long become a reliable address for men when they need to examine difficult diseases. The orthopedic specialist at Vinmec specializes in examination, treatment as well as early detection of health problems related to male genital organs, physiological diseases, reproductive function and sexually transmitted diseases. , ... including orchitis.
The team of doctors at Vinmec are all well-trained and experienced in medical examination and treatment. Facilities including the system of clinics, machinery and equipment,... are continuously invested and updated; professional medical service quality. Especially for difficult-to-speak diseases, Vinmec always thoroughly respects the privacy of customers, implements strict personal information security procedures, civilized and polite hospital environment,... all for the purpose of bringing satisfaction and comfort to customers when coming to Vinmec.

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