Do not be subjective if testicle pain

The article is professionally consulted by MSc Vo Thien Ngon - Urologist, Department of General Surgery, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Pain in the right or left testicle can be a symptom of a medical condition, reducing quality of life, reducing sexual desire and affecting male fertility.

1. What is testicular pain?

Testicular pain is often a vague symptom and it is not easy to determine the cause. In general, testicles are relatively sensitive organs and there are many possible causes of testicular pain. Possible causes include:
Varicose veins of the testicles About 15 - 16% of men have varicose veins and testicular plexus. This causes pain in the right or left testicle. Normally, blood from the left testicle is transported from the left testicular vein to the left renal vein. Meanwhile, blood from the right testicle is directed directly from the right testicular vein to the inferior vena cava.
Varicose veins of the testicle occur when there is no valve in the varicocele or the anti-reflux valve system encounters some abnormality. This condition causes blood from the renal vein or inferior vena cava to back up into the vein, leading to testicular varicose veins due to excessive blood pooling around the testicles.
For mild varicocele (grade 1), the patient usually does not feel pain. If the dilation is severe to grade 3, the patient will feel pain in the right or left testicle, heaviness and discomfort in the scrotum. In severe cases, laparoscopic venous ligation may be required. After surgery, the testicles usually retain their normal size and ability to produce sperm.
Epididymitis Testicle pain can be a manifestation of epididymitis, the pain occurs continuously, accompanied by symptoms such as fever, red skin in the scrotum, palpable swollen epididymis, when manipulating the epididymis. very mildly painful. In addition, patients often experience sharp pain during intercourse or ejaculation. The pain is also felt in the penis and lower part of the abdomen, when standing or walking, the pain is more pronounced.
Testicular torsion
Đau tinh hoàn là bệnh gì
Đau tinh hoàn có thể là triệu chứng bệnh xoắn tinh hoàn
Testicular torsion is a disease in which the testicle rotates on its own, causing a sudden blockage of the spermatic cord, reducing blood flow to the testicle, leading to swelling and pain in the right or left testicle. Signs of testicular torsion are sudden and severe pain, usually appearing on one testicle, lasting less than 6 hours, the scrotum is enlarged, one testicle may be in a higher position than usual, accompanied by symptoms of lower abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
Chronic prostatitis Left or right testicle pain can be a sign of chronic prostatitis. Patients often have pain in one testicle, dull or constant pain. Patients are mainly young people, rarely in the elderly.
Inguinal hernia A hernia is a condition that occurs when a part of the body is pushed out of its normal position in the body. Inguinal hernia is a common problem in men, where the testicles are connected to the body. Patients with inguinal hernia often feel heaviness in the groin and scrotum, accompanied by a feeling that the scrotum is weighed down, one side of the scrotum is swollen due to the pressure of the upper intestine. The scrotum becomes larger when the patient walks, runs or does heavy work. When lying down, the bulge shrinks or even disappears. Inguinal hernias usually require surgical removal and should be done as soon as possible.
Trauma and hemorrhage Testicular trauma and hemorrhage occurs when there is an accident, there is a strong impact on the testicle, resulting in severe pain. This condition gradually improves when the patient is placed on bed rest or surgical drainage if necessary.
Epididymal cyst An epididymal cyst is basically a cyst that develops in the vas deferens. The majority of cysts are benign because their formation is due to the accumulation of sperm. If the epididymis is too large, it can lead to a feeling of tightness and pain in the testicles.
Testicular cancer Testicular pain can be a sign of testicular cancer. The cancer has grown for a long time, the wall is hard in the testicle, even the patient feels hard at the top or back of the testicle, accompanied by a sharp pain, sometimes with a feeling of heaviness in the groin or scrotum, leading to fever. For most common types of testicular cancer (such as prostate cancer), if detected and treated early, the cure rate is almost 100%.
In addition, left or right testicle pain can also be caused by physiological factors such as when there is sexual excitement, blood rushes to the penis, affecting blood circulation in the testicles, causing release tension; excessive stimulation during masturbation, penis erection for too long during sex,...

2. When to see a doctor?

Đau tinh hoàn là bệnh gì
Nên đi khám nếu có triệu chứng sốt đi kèm với đau tinh hoàn
Many men with testicular pain are afraid to see a doctor. However, if men notice the following symptoms along with pain, they should see a gynecologist as soon as possible:
Unusual lumps are detected on the scrotum Fever The scrotal skin becomes red, swollen, and burning. or flaccid Recent contact with someone with mumps Pain that comes on suddenly and gets worse Testicular pain with nausea or vomiting Has had an injury to the scrotum or swollen genitals subsides in an hour Most patients with testicular pain can be successfully treated. Conversely, untreated infections such as chlamydia can lead to permanent damage to the testes and scrotum, affect sperm quality, and impair a woman's sex life. male. In addition, testicular torsion also carries the risk of causing tissue necrosis, leading to serious and even life-threatening infections if not treated promptly.
Men, when they find themselves with signs of testicular pain, are advised to go to the doctor soon. At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a team of well-trained and experienced male doctors. In addition, hospital facilities, clinic system, and modern machinery are equipped; Professional medical service quality, ensuring privacy and comfort for customers.

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