Don't neglect your vaccinations

Thanks to vaccination, the rate of 1984 - 2014, many diseases have decreased significantly in the community: The incidence of pertussis decreased 900 times, diphtheria nearly 600 times, measles 550 times, tetanus 60 times. More than 6.7 million children have been prevented from getting sick, reducing two-thirds of children's deaths from 1990 to 2015.
Dr. Tran Thi Linh Chi - Head of Pediatrics and Neonatology Department, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital : "Thanks to vaccination, there are NO more infected people in the community at the beginning of the season, which shows the real meaning and preventive value of vaccines". Therefore, you should take the initiative to vaccinate and take your children to be vaccinated according to the schedule, and at the same time regularly wash your hands and clean the environment to give yourself and your family an active immune system to avoid the risk. infected with many dangerous infectious diseases.

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Dịch vụ từ Vinmec

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