Biopsy of transmural lung tumor is dangerous?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Dinh Hung - Doctor of Radiology - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

Transmural lung tumor biopsy is a technique that uses a biopsy needle to take a sample of the lung to diagnose benign or malignant lung tumors. So, is a biopsy of a transmural lung tumor dangerous?

1. What is a transmural lung tumor biopsy?

Transmural lung tumor biopsy: A biopsy needle is inserted through the skin and into the lung to take a sample of the tumor in the lung. Usually, this technique is performed under the guidance of computed tomography and is indicated when the patient has had blood tests, bronchoscopy, chest X-ray, microscopic tomography done. calculated but not accurately determined lung damage.
After the biopsy, the lung tumor sample is examined under a microscope. Test results are the basis for diagnosing benign or malignant lung tumors.
Sinh thiết khối u phổi xuyên thành
Sinh thiết khối u phổi xuyên thành là kỹ thuật sử dụng kim sinh thiết đâm xuyên qua da và đi vào phổi để lấy mẫu khối u ở phổi.

2. Biopsy of transmural lung tumor is done in which case?

Transmural lung tumor biopsy is indicated in the following specific cases:
The patient is detected with lung tumor or lung nodules by X-ray or bronchoscopy but the diagnosis has not been confirmed. The patient was found to have a lung tumor or lung nodule by CT scan but was unable to perform bronchoscopy to confirm the diagnosis. The patient was found to have multiple pulmonary nodules but no diagnostic evidence. The patient's lung was found to be damaged in the form of solidification for a long time by blood tests, sputum culture, bronchoscopy, but the diagnosis has not been confirmed. Patients with hilar tumors or mediastinal tumors.

3. Is biopsies of transmural lung tumors dangerous?

Currently, transmural lung tumor biopsy is a simple and easy technique to perform but still ensures safety due to technical improvements. This is a method that provides reliable results as a basis for the diagnosis of benign - malignant lung tumors.
Lung tumor biopsies can be done by needle biopsy or surgical biopsy. In particular, needle biopsy is a less invasive technique, so it causes less pain and faster recovery time. Now the results of both methods are exactly the same.
However, because it is a biopsy procedure, it is possible that infection is more or less invasive. But the risk is very low and happens very rarely. One of the possible phenomena is bleeding at the lung tumor biopsy site, especially when the patient coughs.
In addition, pneumothorax can also be encountered and lead to atelectasis when air leaks at the biopsy site. At that time, the patient may feel short of breath, short of breath, rapid pulse, pain in chest, shoulder when breathing. However, patients should not be too worried because this condition will resolve on its own in most cases. Unless the pneumothorax is large enough to cause harm to the patient, then the patient should be taken to a medical facility to have a small ventilation tube placed in the chest cavity to drain the air out. After a few days when the condition is stable, the doctor will remove the tube.
Sinh thiết khối u phổi có thể dẫn đến tình trạng nhiễm trùng hoặc tràn khí màng phổi
Sinh thiết khối u phổi có thể dẫn đến tình trạng nhiễm trùng hoặc tràn khí màng phổi

4. How is a transmural lung tumor biopsy performed?

At Vinmec International General Hospital, transmural lung tumor biopsies under the guidance of computed tomography are performed by a team of highly qualified and experienced doctors with the same equipment. modern machine. This technique is conducted as follows:
Step 1: Depending on the location of the lesion, the patient is asked to lie on his or her back, side or stomach. The doctor takes a CT scan to determine the location of the tumor to be biopsied, to mark the area of ​​​​the skin to be biopsied. Step 2: Disinfect and clean the marked skin area, then cover a sterile towel with a round hole on the skin to prepare for tumor biopsy. Step 3: At this time, the doctor conducts local anesthesia, when the anesthetic needle is lightly pierced into the skin, the patient may feel slight pain in a very short time. Step 4: At the marked position, the doctor uses a knife to make a small incision in the skin to insert the biopsy needle. Step 5: The doctor inserts a biopsy needle through the skin into the lung to take a sample of the tumor under the guidance of a CT scan. During the biopsy, the patient is asked to lie still for about 30 minutes, not cough, and must hold their breath when the doctor inserts the needle to remove the specimen. At this step, the patient can feel the pressure of the needle as it enters the body. The point to note is that you must hold your breath evenly to ensure that it does not affect the needle position in the tumor. Step 6: As soon as the biopsy sample is obtained, the doctor withdraws the needle. It may be done more than once to ensure a biopsy sample is obtained. Step 7: At the end of the procedure, the doctor gently presses the biopsy site to stop bleeding and bandage it. The entire biopsy of a lung tumor can take place in 1 hour.

5. What to keep in mind after doing a biopsy of a transmural lung tumor?

After performing a biopsy of the transmural lung tumor, the patient is kept for observation and is assigned to do tests to assess damage and possible complications such as:
CT scan to assess the risk of pneumothorax pleural bleeding, pulmonary parenchymal bleeding, pleural bleeding in the first 6 hours. X-ray to assess the risk of pneumothorax after 24 hours. After returning home, the patient should note:
Do not do vigorous activities, do hard labor for 1-2 days after the biopsy of the lung tumor. Keep the bandage at the biopsy site clean and dry. After 1 day, the bandage can be removed and washed normally. When the anesthetic wears off, the patient may have mild pain at the biopsy site, but the pain will quickly go away. You may also cough up a small amount of blood, but this should subside within 1-2 days after the biopsy. When experiencing shortness of breath, chest pain, the patient needs to go to a medical facility immediately for timely treatment. Currently, transmural lung tumor biopsy is a safe and indicated technique to evaluate the characteristics of the tumor. When intending to have a lung biopsy, it is best to choose a large, reputable and leading medical facility in the field of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that always ensure professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, a system of modern equipment and technology. Comprehensive, professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services, civilized medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform the tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy as well as will be advised by a team of experts and doctors on the direction of treatment, diet, and sleep. best health care for patients.

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