Can hemolytic anemia be cured?

Video content is professionally consulted by Doctor Nguyen Dinh Duy - Center for Regenerative Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Hemolytic anemia (also known as Thalassemia, congenital hemolysis) is an inherited blood disease, common in mountainous areas, ethnic minorities, and even in plains and big cities.

Hemolytic anemia is detected when the baby is young (from 2-4 years old) or a few months after birth if in severe cases. Hemolytic anemia manifests as:
Pale, pale skin; Eat little sleep, or startle; Reduced movement, slow growth; Jaundice, more yellow urine than usual; Abdomen with irregular masses; According to Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duy - Vinmec Times City, hemolytic anemia has 4 levels: Mild; Medium; Heavy; Very heavy. For babies with very severe hemolytic anemia, they will die during pregnancy or after birth. For mild, moderate and severe hemolytic anemia, there will be specific treatment regimens.
Treatment of hemolytic anemia by the following methods:
Periodic blood transfusion to maintain blood volume in the patient's body. Usually, babies with hemolytic anemia will need a transfusion of 1-2 units of blood within the first 2 months and increase over time. The disadvantage of the blood transfusion method is that it does not completely cure hemolytic anemia, the patient will have to have a blood transfusion for life. Stem cell transplantation to treat hemolytic anemia: This is a method that has been performed in many countries around the world, including Vietnam. At Vinmec International General Hospital, it has also successfully performed stem cell transplants to treat hemolytic anemia for many patients. For patients with mild hemolytic anemia, there will be no symptoms of the disease. In case the mother is diagnosed with hemolytic anemia gene, before planning to have a baby, she will need to consult a geneticist to help have the safest and healthiest pregnancy.

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