Can syphilis be cured?

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the spirochete bacteria, anyone who has unprotected sex is at risk of contracting this disease. In addition, syphilis can also be transmitted through blood, passed from mother to child.

1. Learn about syphilis

Syphilis is a disease that can go on for many years, sometimes with a loud expression, sometimes without any symptoms, making the patient think that he has recovered from the disease and cannot be transmitted to others. Syphilis if not treated can cause syphilis bacteria to enter the patient's internal organs, especially organs such as the heart, skin, and central nervous system to cause many dangerous complications.
Syphilis has many clinical forms that make it difficult to diagnose and treat. Syphilis can cause certain effects on the health of the patient, even causing the patient to die or become disabled if not detected and treated promptly.
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2. The route of transmission of syphilis

Syphilis transmission routes are quite diverse, the disease can be transmitted sexually when a healthy person has unprotected sex with an infected person. In addition, the disease can be transmitted by direct contact with syphilis lesions on the patient's body, by blood transfusion or by transmitting syphilis from mother to child through the placenta.

3. Can syphilis be cured?

Is syphilis curable and how to treat it is a question that many patients care about. According to specialists, this disease is completely treatable if it is detected early and has an appropriate treatment regimen. cardiovascular and nervous systems of the patient.
Therefore, after about 3 to 90 days of unprotected sex, sharing needles, or accidentally coming into contact with syphilis lesions on the patient's body and the symptoms themselves appear. syphilis such as red bumps, hard but painless background, no itching, no ulcers, no pus, you need to go to the hospital to conduct diagnostic tests for syphilis immediately because this may be the early stage. of the disease, can be treated definitively if the disease is detected at this stage.
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The method of treating syphilis at an early stage is mainly to use specific antibiotics to be able to inhibit the growth of syphilis spirochetes, patients need to adhere to the doctor's treatment schedule and regimen, absolutely. Patients must not arbitrarily stop using the drug or combine any other drugs without the doctor's permission because failure to follow the doctor's instructions will result in the development of antibiotic resistance of bacteria, causing much more difficult to treat later and especially syphilis bacteria will spread faster.
In case of syphilis in women and the patient wants to get pregnant, it is necessary to be cured of the disease before planning to become pregnant. If you are pregnant and then diagnosed with the disease, you need to closely monitor and follow the doctor's prescription. When it's time to give birth, you should have a cesarean section to avoid transmitting syphilis from mother to baby.
Currently, the treatment of syphilis mainly uses the methods of medical treatment with drugs and self-balancing immunotherapy:
For the treatment of syphilis with drugs: Doctors: The doctor will base on the specific condition of the patient to prescribe a specific antibiotic to help prevent the growth of syphilis bacteria. Self-balancing treatment: Immunotherapy is considered the most effective and thorough currently in the treatment of syphilis, helping to prevent the growth of bacteria on the patient's body, and at the same time recovering. damaged parts, restore physiological function that has been affected before.
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Syphilis, although completely curable if detected early and with the right treatment regimen, however, to protect the health of themselves and their loved ones, each person needs to actively learn the knowledge related to this disease and effective measures to prevent syphilis because prevention is better than cure.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package of Examination and Screening for social diseases to help customers detect diseases early and have effective treatment and prevent dangerous complications. The screening package for social diseases at Vinmec is for all ages, both men and women.

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