Causes of left and right neck and shoulder migraines

Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Bui Ngoc Phuong Hoa - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

In life, there are many people who experience migraine headaches on the left or right side of the neck, which greatly affects daily activities. So what is the cause of neck and shoulder pain? How to treat?

In medicine, the case of shoulder and neck migraine is not a disease, the patient can have a migraine on the right side, on the left side or on both sides. On the contrary, if the cause of shoulder and neck migraine is due to an inflammatory nature or vascular disease, the patient may experience pain on both sides (for example, in meningitis, the patient will have a shoulder and neck migraine). left and right side).
Depending on the location, nature, and damage in the brain that can cause right or left migraine. According to Dr. Bui Ngoc Phuong Hoa - Vinmec Da Nang General Hospital, there are many causes of migraine headaches, such as: Due to work pressure; Change in living environment...However, the main cause of left or right neck pain is still not well studied.
Currently, because the cause of shoulder and neck migraine is not well understood, the optimal treatment of head and neck pain includes treatment to alleviate pain symptoms and reduce recurrence. The specific treatment strategy varies depending on the frequency and intensity of the left or right shoulder pain. Also need:
Change in lifestyle; Limit the use of stimulants; Limit eating sweets, carbonated substances, alcohol, monosodium glutamate; Building a nutritious diet, healthy eating; Do not stay up late; Balance work to rest properly. One thing of particular note is that right/left migraine is a condition that can be passed on from mother to child. Therefore, if parents have migraine headaches, it is necessary to limit the onset of pain factors. In the case of mild pain, pain relievers can be used as directed by the doctor.

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