Definition and pathogenesis of peptic ulcer disease

The article was written by Specialist Doctor II Bui Thu Huong - Head of Emergency and Day Treatment Unit - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

This article will help you better understand the definition and pathogenesis of peptic ulcer - a very common gastrointestinal disease today.

1. Definition

Gastritis : Microscopic inflammatory lesions of the gastric mucosa, showing the response of the stomach to attack factors. Stomach and duodenal ulcer: A pathological condition with limited mucosal organization in the part of the digestive tract that secretes acid and pepsin. Inflammation and peptic ulcer disease: The current understanding of the pathogenesis and diagnosis shows that these two concepts are closely related, especially related to H. pylori infection.
Vi khuẩn H. pylori

2. Pathogenesis

2.1 Factors that protect the stomach lining Mucin layer (Mucin):
The main ingredient is Glucoprotein, protein-degrading enzymes capable of causing degradation of mucus molecules -> reducing the ability to cover and block H+ ions attack -> damage the mucosa. Bicarbonate: Protecting effect on gastric mucosa The secretion of Bicarbonate of mucus cells is influenced by a number of chemical mediators, hormones, chemicals Protective factors of gastric mucosa
Amount of blood to nourish stomach: When there is a perfusion disorder in the gastric mucosa -> ulcers. Gastric mucosal regeneration. Phospholipids: Present in the mucous layer and outer surface of epithelial cells. Gastric epithelial growth factor. Prostadglandin directly inhibits parietal cells, reducing HCl secretion.
Lớp nhày niêm mạc dạ dày
Lớp nhày bề niêm mạc dạ dày

2.2 Factors that attack the gastric mucosa Pepsinogen HCl Bile acid Helicobacter pylori Anti-inflammatory steroids, non-steroids Infectious factors: CMV, Herpes, fungi Non-infectious factors: stress, gastritis Gastritis thick due to H.Pylori
Cơ chế bệnh sinh của viêm loét dạ dày tá tràng
Cơ chế bệnh sinh của viêm loét dạ dày tá tràng

3. Prevention

This is a disease that is spread through eating and living. If there are sick adults in the family, they should go to medical facilities for examination and treatment, to avoid infecting the babies.
Patients with digestive diseases or suspected symptoms can go to Vinmec International General Hospital for examination, diagnosis and treatment. Here gathers a team of well-trained, highly qualified and experienced gastroenterologists specialized in the treatment of diseases related to the digestive system - hepatobiliary system. In addition, Vinmec invests in a system of modern and advanced medical equipment with professional service quality, bringing high efficiency in diagnosis and treatment.
For detailed advice, please come directly to Vinmec Health system or book online HERE.

Learn about peptic ulcer disease Gastroduodenal ulcer: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Gastrectomy treatment of peptic ulcer
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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