Diabetic foot exam

Diabetic foot exams are considered an important step in helping people with diabetes prevent or detect foot health problems early. This also helps to limit the possible complications of diabetic foot, affecting the quality of life and even the life of the patient.

1. What is a diabetic foot exam?

In general, people with diabetes are at increased risk for a wide range of foot health problems. A diabetic foot exam will help your doctor check for people with diabetes for infections, injuries, or bone abnormalities.
Conditions such as nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor blood circulation are often considered the most common causes of foot problems in people with diabetes.
Neuropathy can cause diabetic foot complications, including: Numbness, tingling or even loss of sensation in the feet. This can leave you vulnerable to foot injuries such as blisters, calluses or sores without even realizing their presence.
On the other hand, poor blood circulation in the feet can also make it difficult for diabetics to fight foot infections and slow healing. When diabetes is combined with foot ulcers or other injuries, it takes longer to heal and increases the risk of serious infections.
If a foot infection is not treated early, it can become such a serious complication of diabetic foot that you have to have your foot amputated to save your life.
For these reasons, experts recommend regular diabetic foot exams, combined with home care, to help prevent other serious health problems.

2. Why should diabetic foot check?

People with diabetes should have a diabetic foot exam at least once a year. You may need to see a doctor more often if your feet have any of the following symptoms:
Numbness Tingling Pain Pain Swelling Burning sensation Pain and difficulty walking. You should also contact your doctor immediately if you notice the following serious signs of diabetic foot complications:
Cuts, blisters, or other wounds on your feet that don't heal after a few days Wounds in your feet the foot feels warm to the touch Redness around the foot wound Calluses with dry blood inside The foot wound is black and has a strong odor. That could be a sign of gangrene, which causes tissue death. If left untreated, gangrene can lead to amputation and even death.
Khám bàn chân tiểu đường giúp hạn chế các biến chứng bàn chân tiểu đường
Khám bàn chân tiểu đường giúp hạn chế các biến chứng bàn chân tiểu đường

3. Diabetic foot examination procedure

Diabetic foot exam can be done with the following procedure:
3.1 General assessment Your doctor will take some information about your medical history as well as any previous problems you have had at the foot.
In addition, your doctor can also find out what causes calluses, ulcers, or blisters on your feet, such as wearing tight shoes.
3.2 Dermatological Evaluation Learn about various skin problems on diabetic feet, including chapped, dry, blisters, calluses, and ulcers Check patient's toenails for cracks or fungal infections ? Check between toes for signs of fungal infection. 3.3 Neurological evaluation Usually includes the following tests:
Monofilament test: Brush a soft nylon monofilament over the foot and toes of a diabetic to test the sensitivity to the touch of the foot. Tuning and imaging testing (VPT): Your doctor will place a tuning fork or special device on your feet and toes to determine if you can feel the vibration of the machine. Pinprick test: Your doctor will gently poke the bottom of your foot with a small pin to see how you feel. Ankle reflex: Use a mallet to tap a diabetic's ankle. 3.4 Musculoskeletal assessment Helps look for abnormalities in the shape and structure of the diabetic foot.
3.5 Vascular evaluation Usually done if you have symptoms of poor circulation. Your doctor will use a Doppler ultrasound to assess the blood circulation in your legs.

4. Treatment of foot problems in diabetics

If you find any unusual foot problems, you should have a diabetic foot exam more often. Foot conditions caused by diabetes can manifest in many degrees of severity. Therefore, prevention is the best defense to avoid diabetic foot complications, however this is not always possible.
Early detection of foot conditions before diabetes and vascular complications can lead to less invasive and more effective treatment. Ideally, you should speak with a specialist to determine the best treatment plan for you.
If diagnosed early, serious diabetic foot conditions or complications associated with ulcers and bone deformities are treated with a cast, which protects the feet and helps them heal.
In addition, your doctor may also recommend that you wear a brace or special shoes to treat foot ulcers.
For more serious foot ulcers, there is a high chance that surgical intervention is needed. Through surgery, the ulcer is removed and other affected areas are cleaned. Recovery from ulcer removal surgery can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.
Other treatments for diabetic foot problems may include:
Treating foot infections with antibiotics Surgery to help treat bone deformities. Currently, there are no specific treatments for nerve damage in the feet, and doctors can recommend a number of ways for diabetics to help relieve pain and improve foot function, including: lotions, medications, or physical therapy to help improve balance and strength in the feet.
Nhiễm trùng ở bàn chân là một trong các biến chứng bàn chân tiểu đường
Nhiễm trùng ở bàn chân là một trong các biến chứng bàn chân tiểu đường

5. Self-management and prevention of diabetic foot problems

Controlling your diabetes will help reduce your risk of developing serious foot conditions. You can self-manage your diabetes through the following ways:
Regularly monitor your blood sugar Follow a healthy and suitable diabetic diet Take medication only when needed and as directed. In addition, health care professionals also recommend that you take some of the following steps to help prevent diabetic foot complications dangerous, including:
Conduct a daily foot self-exam to monitor for any changes in the foot Visit a diabetic foot doctor for a professional foot assessment Get good control of your diabetes through blood sugar testing, diet, medication, and exercise Wear shoes that are the right size for your feet, or use an orthopedic brace specifically made for your feet Clean your feet every day day and apply a light, fragrance-free moisturizer on your feet, but avoid applying it between your toes. Avoid going barefoot and clip your toenails frequently Do not use products that can abrade the skin of your feet Help increase blood flow to your feet with daily exercise, which also helps reduce risks cause diabetes complications. No smoking. It is important to monitor your foot every day and report any changes to your doctor immediately to reduce the possible severity of the condition.
In order to prevent and detect diabetes early, now, Vinmec International General Hospital offers a diabetes screening package - dyslipidemia for customers with signs of diabetes, diabetes mellitus. Type 2 is aimed at diagnosis and screening of diseases based on quantitative blood tests, applying oral therapy (for customers with suspicious fasting blood sugar results). The doctor will make conclusions and give advice on disease prevention as well as appropriate and scientific treatment for the patient.
For detailed information, please contact the hospitals and clinics of Vinmec health system nationwide.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

References: Healthline.com, Medlineplus.gov
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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