Drain the abdominal fluids under the guidance of digital scans to remove the background

The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Tong Diu Huong - Radiologist - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
There are many causes of fluid in the abdomen, such as acute pancreatitis, which causes the pancreas to secrete and produce fluid in and around the pancreas. If not treated promptly by draining the abdominal fluid combined with digital imaging to erase the background, it will lead to peritonitis.

1. Why does the patient need to drain the abdominal fluid?

Drainage of the abdominal fluid under digital background erasing guidance is a technique performed under the guidance of digital background scanning to remove excess fluid in the abdominal cavity. This fluid in the abdominal cavity can cause bloating, pain, and difficulty breathing. The most common cause of fluid in the abdominal cavity is scarring of the liver, also known as cirrhosis. Fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity can also be caused by a variety of diseases including:
Infections; Abdominal trauma leading to intestinal damage; Kidney disease;
Suy tim có thể gây ra tình trạng tích tụ chất lỏng trong khoang bụng
Heart failure ; Pancreatitis ; Tuberculosis ; Cancer. If the outbreaks are not removed, then drug treatment will be ineffective or less effective because the outbreak is located deep in the abdomen or around the pancreas.

2. Implementation process

2.1 Preparation In addition to examining the pathologies that lead to fluid in the abdomen, the doctor will ask the patient more information such as medical history, history of allergies, especially allergies to anesthetics or anesthetics. Because these two drugs will be used during abdominal drainage.
Besides, before the procedure, the patient needs to fast and drink at least 6 hours before the procedure, because during the procedure, it may lead to reflux of fluid or food in the cavity. abdomen into the respiratory tract.
Thuốc gây mê Isofluran
Thuốc gây mê Isofluran
2.2 Procedure To determine the exact location of the antiseptic and skin incision, the doctor will conduct a digital scan to erase the background to determine which skin incision is most convenient to drain the fluid and avoid making an incision in the digestive tract. and blood vessels. After disinfecting, the doctor will administer local anesthesia and make an incision in the skin.
The doctor begins to poke the needle through the incision site and guide the needle towards the site of the fluid in the abdomen. When suspected to have reached the right position, the doctor will inject contrast material into the outbreak and take a digital background eraser to confirm the needle is in the correct position.
After the needle is properly in the outbreak, the doctor will drain the fluid and place a drainage tube. In some cases, the fluid removed from the abdomen will be tested by the doctor to determine the cause of the abdominal fluid.
Vinmec International General Hospital has applied modern examination techniques to improve the quality of medical examination and treatment for all customers. Accordingly, the doctors who carry out the procedures are all well-trained doctors with high expertise, thus giving accurate results, making a significant contribution to the identification of the disease and the stage of the disease. offer the optimal treatment regimen for customers.

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