E-cigarettes are not good for gums

1. How do e-cigarettes harm oral health?

Current studies suggest that tobacco harms teeth, especially e-cigarettes, causing many negative effects on oral health, mainly through the following ways:
Excess bacteria: E-cigarettes create conditions for bacteria to grow in the oral cavity. This excess of bacteria increases the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Dry mouth: Certain compounds found in e-cigarettes, especially propylene glycol, can cause dry mouth. Chronic dry mouth has been linked to bad breath, mouth sores, and tooth decay. Inflamed gums: E-cigarettes can cause an inflammatory response in the gum tissues, causing gingivitis and other dental problems. Mouth and throat irritation: E-cigarettes can irritate the mouth and throat causing pain, swelling, and redness in these areas. Cell death: E-cigarettes can increase inflammation and DNA damage, causing cells to lose their ability to divide and grow, which in turn accelerates cell aging and leads to cell death. This can increase the risk of oral health problems such as periodontal disease, dry mouth, bad breath, tooth decay. More long-term studies are needed to truly understand whether e-cigarettes are associated with cell death and other effects on human oral health.

2. What ingredients in e-cigarettes harm teeth?

Many e-cigarette companies do not list all the ingredients in it, so it is difficult to give a complete list of substances that are harmful to oral health. Studies demonstrate:
Nicotine Propylene glycol Menthol In addition, flavored e-cigarettes are more likely to cause gingivitis than unflavored e-cigarettes.
thuốc lá hại răng
Thuốc lá hại răng, đặc biệt là thuốc lá điện tử, gây nhiều tác động tiêu cực đến sức khỏe răng miệng

3. How to limit the side effects of e-cigarettes on oral health?

If you are smoking an e-cigarette, the best thing you can do to limit its side effects is to take good care of your teeth, which includes:
Limit nicotine : Choose low-cost e-cigarettes or no nicotine helps limit the negative effects of nicotine on teeth and gums. Drink water after vaping: Avoid dry mouth and bad breath by rehydrating after vaping. Brush twice a day: Brushing helps remove plaque, prevent cavities, and promote overall gum health. Floss before bed: Like brushing, flossing helps remove plaque and promote gum health. Regular dental visits: If possible, you should visit your dentist every 6 months for cleaning and treatment of dental disease if any.

4. When to see a doctor?

Make an appointment with your dentist or other oral health care provider if you experience any of the following:
Bleeding or swollen gums Teeth that are sensitive to hot or cold temperatures Frequent dry mouth Loose teeth Mouth sores or sores that don't heal Toothache or pain in the mouth Receding gums If you experience any of these symptoms along with fever or swelling in your face or neck, you should see your doctor right away for urgent treatment.

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References: webmd, healthline
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