Health benefits and disadvantages of Gerson therapy in the treatment of disease

Article by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Gastrointestinal endoscopist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.

Although there are no comprehensive studies on the health properties of Gerson therapy, it may offer some benefits - largely thanks to a nutrient-rich, plant-based diet. However, Gerson therapy also has some risks and drawbacks of its own.

1. What is Gerson Therapy?

Gerson Therapy aka Gerson Therapy Diet. It is a natural alternative treatment system that claims to "activate the body's ability to heal itself".
This therapy was developed in the early 1900s, by Dr. Max B. Gerson, who used it to relieve his migraine symptoms. Later, Gerson used this therapy to treat diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis.
2. Potential health benefits of gerson therapy Although there are no comprehensive studies on the health properties of the Gerson method, it may offer a number of benefits - largely thanks to the regimen. Nutrient-rich, plant-based diet.
Here are some potential benefits of Gerson therapy:
Plant-based diets tend to provide more fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than the typical Western diet with lots of processed foods. Reduced risk of heart disease: Since this is a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and fiber, it has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. Improve kidney function: The gerson detox method helps improve kidney function, thereby limiting kidney disease and kidney stones. May reduce pain from arthritis: This based diet will also help you relieve arthritis symptoms, such as joint pain, swelling and stiffness in the morning. Helps relieve constipation: Gerson therapy and other plant-based diets that are high in fiber can help relieve constipation and keep your digestive system healthy.
liệu pháp Gerson
Liệu pháp Gerson và các chế độ ăn dựa trên thực vật khác có nhiều chất xơ có thể giúp giảm táo bón
3. Cons and health risks Gerson therapy also has some of its own risks and downsides as follows:
Electrolyte imbalance: This condition is associated with heart failure and can be fatal. Iron deficiency: Plant-based diets such as the Gerson method may not contain enough iron, increasing the risk of iron deficiency. Symptoms of iron deficiency include shortness of breath, fatigue, and anemia. Fatigue, malnutrition: Gerson is a therapy that restricts a lot of high-protein foods, a protein-restricted diet can cause fatigue and malnutrition in some people. Dehydration: Since the diet discourages drinking plain water, dehydration can result if you don't follow the recommendations for consuming 15–20 pounds (7–9 kg) of organic produce. muscles every day and drink fresh juice every hour. Because of these downsides, you should discuss them with a healthcare professional before following this diet.
4. Sample meal plan Here is a sample meal plan for a day in Gerson therapy:
A bowl of oatmeal with half a sliced ​​apple and 1 teaspoon (15 ml) honey 8 ounces (240 ml) freshly squeezed orange juice Snack:
2 pieces of fruit of your choice 8 ounces (240 ml) of carrot juice Lunch:
Fresh salad (vegetable of your choice) 1 baked potatoes 1 cup (240 ml) warm vegetable soup of your choice with a slice of rye bread 8 ounces (240 ml) glass of carrot-apple juice Snack:
2 8 ounce pieces of fruit Grapefruit juice Dinner:
Mixed greens (eg kale, bok choy and Swiss chard) cooked with onions, garlic 1 cup (240 ml) Hippocrates soup - celery, potato, onion, leek, tomatoes, garlic, and parsley, simmer in water for 1.5–2 hours until tender, then mix 1 8-ounce (240 ml) baked potato green juice - watercress, lettuce watercress, beet tops, watercress, red cabbage, green bell peppers, swiss chard and green apples are prepared in an é machine. p fruit approved. Snack:
8 ounces (240 ml) glasses of green juice In addition, the average participant drank 7 additional 8-ounce (240 ml) glasses of fresh juice per day.
Your specific supplement regimen depends on what you have been prescribed by your Gerson Therapist. Most people need to take potassium, pancreatic enzymes, Lugol's solution (potassium iodide and iodide in water), thyroid hormone supplements, and vitamins B3 and B12. In a nutshell, Gerson therapy is a plant-based organic diet that claims to be able to treat chronic diseases like cancer through supplements and detoxifiers. However, there are no high-quality studies to support the benefits of this approach. The therapy can also pose serious health risks, leading most health professionals to discourage the use of Gerson therapy - especially to treat cancer.

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References: Healthline. What Is the Gerson Therapy, and Does It Fight Cancer?
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