Importance of HbA1c test in diabetes

Article written by a doctor of Biochemistry, Laboratory Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

HbA1C is an important test index, very meaningful in diagnosis, monitoring average blood glucose control over a period of 2-3 months, used as an indicator of treatment effectiveness. diabetes.

1. What is HbA1C?

HbA1C (Hemoglobin A1C) is a subtype of HbA1, in which valine has the N-terminal Val chain) of this Hemoglobin molecule reacts with glucose through an irreversible and non-enzymatic catalysed glycosylation to form the amadori product called HbA1C is glycosylated (or HbA1C).
The HbA1C test is a test that measures the amount of glycosylated HbA1 in the total amount of Hemoglobin in the body.

2. The role of HbA1C test in diabetes

Because HbA1 binding to glucose does not require an enzyme catalysis and is irreversible, the higher the blood glucose concentration and the longer the duration of high blood glucose concentration, the greater the binding of glucose to HbA1.
HbA1C also exists in erythrocytes throughout the life of erythrocytes (average life span of erythrocytes is 120 days), so a measurement of HbA1C can reflect an average daily blood glucose concentration of about 2 to the previous 3 months.
Therefore, HbA1C provides much better information (indicator) of blood sugar control than a quantitative blood or urine glucose test.
Lấy máu xét nghiệm
Xét nghiệm HbA1C có vai trò quan trọng trong chẩn đoán và điều trị bệnh đái tháo đường

In normal people (not previously diagnosed with diabetes): HbA1c in the blood ranges from 4-6% of hemoglobin; A 1% increase in HbA1c equates to a 30mg/dL increase in blood glucose (or 1.7 mmol/L); When the amount of HbA1c > 6.5%: reflects the status of blood glucose concentration in the previous period has increased, may have diabetes or may be encountered in some other medical conditions such as kidney failure, lead poisoning ,... It is necessary to have a deeper examination to find out the cause and determine the pathology; The amount of HbA1c < 4% indicates that the blood glucose level is low, or it can be seen in people who are pregnant, have recently donated blood, have had a splenectomy, or are suffering from diseases such as anemia, iron deficiency, life time of the patient. Short red blood cells, overdose of vitamin C, vitamin E, ...

In people with diabetes, HbA1C is used as a target in the treatment of diabetes: HbA1C <7% is considered a common goal for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. During treatment. If the HbA1c test result is >10%, it indicates that the patient's blood sugar control in the previous 2-3 months is very poor. When HbA1c < 6.5%, blood sugar is well controlled. Diabetic patients, if regularly controlled well blood glucose, HbA1c < 6.5%, can slow down and prevent complications in eyes, kidneys and nerves caused by diabetes.
However, in people with diabetes, depending on the age and specific health conditions of each patient, the goal of blood sugar control by the HbA1C index set for each patient will not be completely the same. , as in each patient, depending on the period can change. People with diabetes should have close contact with their doctor for support in monitoring and consulting to suit their conditions.
Vinmec hospital system nationwide, with a team of experienced medical experts and a system of advanced testing equipment to fully meet the needs of diabetes examination and treatment.

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