Instructions for parents to wear masks for children to prevent corona virus epidemic

Children are subject to low resistance, so they are very susceptible to dangerous infectious diseases, especially the Corona virus epidemic. So how to train your baby to wear a mask properly?

1. Instruct parents to properly wear masks for their children

Children are vulnerable and easily infected if they come into contact with disease-causing viruses. Therefore, parents need to protect their children's health from the simplest things, such as wearing a mask when going out, going to kindergarten or public places. Accordingly, wearing a mask properly for babies is recommended by doctors to do the following:
Wear a mask so that the blue side is out, the white side is inside because the blue side is water-absorbent, the white side is hygroscopic. breathability effect. Masks must cover both the nose and mouth When wearing a mask, hold the strap, absolutely do not touch the inside of the mask. When wearing a mask, it must not be touched because it can bring infectious bacteria from the hands through the layers of the mask into the respiratory tract, causing infection When removing the mask, only hold the strap to remove it, absolutely do not touch the outside of the mask to avoid spreading bacteria through your hands and then through the respiratory tract Remove the mask and put it in a covered trash can Wash your hands immediately after throwing the mask in the trash Wear the mask properly Not only helps children prevent many respiratory diseases, but also helps them practice the habit of using masks when going out and going to crowded places.
đeo khẩu trang y tế đúng cách.
Cha mẹ hướng dẫn trẻ đeo khẩu trang đúng cách

2. What to do when the child refuses to wear a mask?

In the current complicated situation of the Covid - 19 epidemic, parents need to train their children to wear (medical) masks properly. However, not all children are willing to cooperate with their parents from the beginning. Parents should also not force children to wear masks, but need to teach them to wear masks slowly. First, let children wear dustproof glasses when going out, then let them wear a thin scarf to cover their heads. After children get used to it, let them wear masks appropriate for their age.
In addition, parents should choose a quality mask with good air permeability and filtration. These types of masks both help prevent respiratory infections for children, and do not create a feeling of breathing difficulty and discomfort for children. If possible, choose masks with beautiful colors and lovely shapes to stimulate children. Make sure these masks have a clear origin, then you should buy them and use them.
Parents should also choose a mask that fits the child's face, making sure there is no opening for dirt to fly into the child's respiratory tract. Observe the child when wearing a mask, if the child shows signs of difficulty breathing, cyanosis in the lips and extremities, crying, etc. to intervene in time.
After removing the mask for the child, the parents should pay attention to wash the child's hands and face. Babies often have a habit of picking up, so parents need to clean the items they often touch every day. Parents should also limit their children's exposure to crowded places, contact with sick people, especially people with cough and runny nose to best prevent epidemics.
Khẩu trang
Cha mẹ cần lựa chọn khẩu trang phù hợp với con

Wearing masks for older children (from 3 to 6 years old), parents need to take other measures. At this stage, children often tend to imitate what adults do. Therefore, in order for children to obey and wear masks, parents need to explain why children need to wear masks when going out or in crowded places. This helps children know and will cooperate with their parents.
Currently, the Corona virus epidemic is still raging, so each individual community needs to raise awareness of nCoV disease prevention by wearing a mask, washing hands often with an antiseptic solution.
In addition, wearing a mask also helps children prevent respiratory diseases, which are spread from person to person through virus-containing droplets or nasopharyngeal diseases caused by dirt and pollution. When your baby's body shows abnormal symptoms, suspecting to have Covid-19, you should follow the rules to prevent infection and take your baby to a medical facility for examination immediately. If you still don't know the symptoms of the disease as well as how to handle it when you or your loved ones get sick, you can read other Vinmec articles on the website.

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