Is malaria in children dangerous?

Children are at high risk for malaria. When infected, if not detected, diagnosed and treated promptly, it will easily lead to malignant malaria, causing serious consequences, even affecting the life of children.

1. Malaria symptoms in children

Depending on the age of the child, the characteristics of malaria in young children have different symptoms as follows:
For infants under six months of age:
Newborns up to six months of age are less likely to get sick with fever cold and less mortality, caused by:
The child still carries hemoglobin F (fetal hemoglobin); Antibodies are inherited from the mother; Still breastfeeding, so the baby's body lacks PABA (para-amino benzoic acid). Therefore, malaria parasites will not be able to synthesize folic acid to develop malaria in young children.
For children over six months old:
Children aged six months and older living in malaria-endemic areas have higher rates of malaria and mortality than adults (highest among children aged 4 to 5 years old). ). Symptoms include:
Having convulsions with high fever. The cycle of fever occurs is often irregular, sometimes without periods of chills. Digestive disorders such as vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating are quite common; Rapid anemia, soon enlarged spleen; Nutritional disorders develop rapidly. Low blood sugar, Some children have severe liver complications with signs of bilirubin (jaundice), high liver enzymes and in kidneys with signs of acute renal failure. Children cough a lot and have tracheitis, bronchitis. Dehydration causes dry lips, sunken eyes, weight loss, thirst, less urination, low urinary sodium, normal urine sediment, blood urea above 6.5μmol/l,... Anemia and symptoms such as pulse rapid, difficult breathing, enlarged liver, systolic murmur, even heart failure with galloping rhythm. Severe anemia will contribute to the manifestations of brain syndrome such as dizziness, convulsions, coma, and disturbances of consciousness (typical symptoms of severe malaria).

2. Is malaria in young children dangerous?

Phòng ngừa và xử trí sốt cao co giật ở trẻ
Trẻ em là đối tượng có nhiều nguy cơ mắc bệnh sốt rét
In malaria-endemic areas, children are at high risk of contracting malaria. When infected, if not detected, diagnosed and treated promptly, it will easily lead to malignant malaria, causing serious consequences, even affecting the life of children.
Malaria in young children will make the child's body stunted, slow to grow, and less intelligent. Malaria causes anemia because parasites enter the blood, so they break down a series of red blood cells, leading to anemia, blue skin, dark lips, fatigue, and thinness.

3. What should children with malaria do?

When children show signs of malaria, parents will be confused and do not know how to take care of children with malaria.
Accordingly, the most important thing is that parents quickly take their children to the doctor to diagnose whether they have malaria or not, the doctor will take a blood sample of the baby to test for malaria parasites. If the baby is diagnosed with malaria, the doctors will give the baby a malaria treatment regimen to limit the progression to dangerous dangerous malaria for the baby.
Besides, when the child has malaria, the mother can use Paracetamol to reduce the baby's fever quickly. This drug is quite safe and effective. However, fever-reducing medicine should not be given to children when the temperature is still below 38.5 degrees. When the child has a mild fever at 37.5-38.5 degrees, just take off some clothes, let the baby drink more water or breastfeed more.
Parents absolutely do not cover the baby. Do not close the room, but open it and turn on the fan to let the air circulate.
Note: Do not apply ice or cold compress to lower the baby's fever. Applying ice and cold compresses not only does not help children reduce fever, but also harms children, causing them to suffer burns from cold or respiratory failure.

4. Methods of preventing malaria in children

Cho trẻ ngủ trong màn để phòng ngừa bị muỗi đốt
There is currently no vaccine available to prevent malaria in young children. Therefore, protecting children from mosquito bites is the most effective preventive measure.
Let the child sleep under the net, both during the day and at night; In the evening, children should wear long-sleeved clothes to avoid mosquito bites. Apply appropriate mosquito repellent measures such as: Using mosquito nets, burning mosquito incense, applying anti-mosquito cream, ... Children's and family's clothes must be neatly folded, clothes should not be hung or hung on the wall to make them work. shelter for mosquitoes. Sanitize children's toys regularly; the living environment around the child needs to be clean; arrange the house in order; clearing bushes, clearing sewers around the house; Don't leave ponds in jail, standing water... Propaganda and education on malaria prevention for children's parents. When seeing a child showing symptoms of malaria such as chills, fever, sweating or feeling chills, chills, parents need to take the child immediately to the nearest medical facility for diagnosis. and prompt treatment. Malaria is very dangerous for young children, especially children aged 4-5 years, the risk of death is higher than adults. Therefore, when the baby has symptoms of malaria, it is necessary to take it to a reputable medical facility for examination and treatment immediately. The Pediatrics Department, Vinmec International General Hospital has received and successfully treated many cases of malaria from mild to severe. The team of doctors and nurses has high professional qualifications and experience, so they are able to predict the risk, disease progression very well, and offer effective treatment regimens. In case the baby has malaria with complications, they are treated right at the Pediatric Department by a team of specialists: cardiology, neurology, respiratory, ear, nose and throat, digestive, urology, nutrition. ... shorten the treatment time, increase the effectiveness of the regimen.
If you need to check and treat malaria for your baby, please book an appointment directly at the website or contact the hotline for detailed advice.

Để đặt lịch khám tại viện, Quý khách vui lòng bấm số HOTLINE hoặc đặt lịch trực tiếp TẠI ĐÂY. Tải và đặt lịch khám tự động trên ứng dụng MyVinmec để quản lý, theo dõi lịch và đặt hẹn mọi lúc mọi nơi ngay trên ứng dụng.

When is malaria contagious? Common lesions of severe malaria. Guidelines for treatment of malaria
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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