Repair chipped or broken teeth

Falling or biting into something hard can chip or break a tooth. If the chipping is small, the repair is usually done simply in one dental visit. Severely damaged or broken teeth may require a longer and more expensive procedure.

1. Causes of broken and chipped teeth

Teeth can be chipped or broken for any number of reasons. Common causes of chipped teeth include:
Biting on hard objects, like rocks or hard candy; Fall or car accident; Play contact sports without a mouth guard; Teeth grinding while sleeping. People with weak teeth are more likely to chip or break teeth than healthy teeth. Some of the risks that reduce tooth strength include:
Cavities eat away at tooth enamel. Large fillings also tend to weaken teeth; Eating a lot of acidic foods such as fruit juices, coffee, spicy foods can break down tooth enamel; Acid reflux or heartburn, these two digestive conditions can send stomach acid into your mouth, where they can damage tooth enamel; Eating disorders or excessive alcohol consumption cause frequent vomiting, which can produce acids that erode tooth enamel; Eating a lot of sugary foods, sugar creates bacteria in the mouth and bacteria can attack tooth enamel; The risk of tooth enamel weakening increases with age, especially in people over the age of 50. Any weakened tooth is at risk of chipping or breaking. However, a study found that the second lower molar - possibly because it is subjected to quite a lot of pressure when chewing, is most susceptible to chipping. That said, intact teeth can also be chipped if subjected to a large external force.
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2. How to take care of chipped or broken teeth

If your tooth is chipped or broken, go to the dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, try these self-care measures:
If your tooth hurts, take Paracetamol or another over-the-counter pain reliever. Gargle with salt water. If the cleft creates a sharp or jagged edge, cover it with a piece of waxed paraffin or sugar-free gum to prevent it from cutting into your tongue or the inside of your lips or cheeks. If you need to eat, eat soft foods and avoid biting into broken teeth. Apply ice to the outside of your cheek if the chipped tooth irritates the area.

3. Treatment of broken, chipped teeth

“What to do with a broken tooth” or “What to do with a broken tooth” is something that many people worry about if unfortunately encountering this situation. If the chipping is small, repair can often be done simply in one dental visit. Severely damaged or broken teeth may require a longer and more expensive procedure. Here are some treatments to repair a broken or chipped tooth:
Fillings : If your tooth has only a small chipped, your dentist can repair the damage with a filling. If the tooth in need of repair is an incisor or a tooth that is visible when you smile, your dentist may recommend a cosmetic filling, which uses a composite resin of the same color as the tooth. A filling is a simple procedure that usually does not require anesthesia. The dentist will first apply a liquid or gel to the tooth surface to roughen and make the bonding material stick to the tooth. Next, apply the adhesive to the teeth followed by the composite resin. Finally, use ultraviolet light to harden the material. Crown: If a large portion of the tooth is broken or chipped, the dentist may grind or file away a portion of the remaining tooth and cover it with a crown, made to protect and improve the tooth's appearance. If the entire crown of the tooth is broken but the root is still intact, the dentist may perform a root canal treatment and place an abutment in the canal. During your first visit, you'll get X-rays to examine the roots of your teeth and surrounding bone. If no abnormalities are found, the dentist will numb the surrounding gum, then remove enough of the remaining tooth to make room for the crown. If a tooth is missing a large chunk, the dentist may use a filling material over the tooth to hold the crown. The tooth sample is taken and sent to the laboratory where the crown is manufactured. In the meantime, your dentist will place a temporary crown made of thin acrylic or metal. During the second visit, usually 2 to 3 weeks later, the dentist will remove the temporary crown and check the fit of the permanent crown before placing the cement. Veneers: If a front tooth is broken or chipped, a dental veneer can help cover these imperfections. A dental veneer is a thin layer of tooth-colored plastic or porcelain composite material that covers the entire front surface of the tooth with a thicker section to replace the missing tooth. Usually the dentist will need to remove about 0.3 -1.2 mm of enamel. Next, the dentist will take an impression of the tooth to send to a dental lab, which will fabricate the veneer. When the veneer is ready, usually a week or two later, you'll need to go back to your dentist to have it glued on. Root canal therapy: If a crack or break in a tooth is large enough to expose the pulp - the center of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels - bacteria from the mouth can enter and infect the pulp. If your tooth is painful, discolored, or sensitive to heat, the pulp may be damaged. Root canal treatment involves removing the dead pulp, cleaning the canal, and then filling it up.
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In short, if you unfortunately have a chipped tooth, the best way to protect your teeth and overall health is to visit your dentist to be sure. If your tooth is broken, you should try to see your dentist within 30 minutes. In addition, you should also see your dentist as soon as possible if you have pain or excessive bleeding.
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