Skin care allergic to red medicine body

Systemic red drug allergy, also known as drug rash, is the most common type of drug hypersensitivity reaction. This condition is characterized by generalized red skin and is quickly relieved with proper care and, most importantly, discontinuation of the causative drug. On the contrary, without early detection and timely intervention, systemic drug allergy will trigger many dangerous immune reactions, causing severe multi-organ damage.

1. How to take care of skin allergic to red medicine at home

The ultimate goal is always to stop the drug that causes systemic drug allergies. People who suffer from systemic erythema due to drug allergies are often patients with multiple diseases who are taking multiple medications. However, all non-essential medications should be limited because the risk of a systemic rosacea allergy can arise at any time. Thus, once the offending drug has been identified, it should be discontinued immediately. Knowledge and experience with common rash-causing drugs can help identify drugs at risk quickly. At this time, the generalized red skin condition caused by drug allergy can resolve on its own without requiring any special treatment.
When treatment is required, the regimen for systemic drug allergy depends on the specific type of reaction. Treatment for drug flare-ups is essentially supportive care. First generation antihistamines are used once daily. In addition, mildly active topical steroids (eg, hydrocortisone, desonide) and moisturizers are also used, especially during the late scabbing phase.
Besides, the problem of skin care with a red drug allergy also needs to pay attention to skin hygiene. Patients should be instructed to bathe regularly instead of abstaining from bathing to keep the skin clean from sweat and dirt. The use of saunas or hot tubs should be avoided during this time to avoid further drying of the skin. Use soaps rich in skin care, avoid those with strong detergent activity, and exfoliate until the skin is completely healed. After bathing, the patient should change into light, thin and smooth clothes to avoid further skin damage.
In cases where it is not possible to discontinue the drug that may cause the rash, the patient may be considered for continued long-term prophylactic treatment for systemic red drug allergy, i.e., the drug should be continued even in patients is having a rash. The rash usually resolves on its own, especially if the patient is being treated with an antihistamine. This is because researchers have found that most cases of systemic drug allergies do not progress to serious consequences with good initial control and the assessment that the benefits of continued medication outweigh the risks. body can face. However, these subjects still need close monitoring and careful care, especially when detecting mucosal lesions, blistering and peeling of the skin, because these can be serious signs.
dị ứng thuốc đỏ toàn thân
Người bệnh dị ứng thuốc đỏ toàn thân cần được chăm sóc chu đáo

2. How to take care of skin allergic to red medicine at the hospital

If generalized erythema due to drug allergy becomes serious reactions, such as hypersensitivity reactions, an indication for hospitalization should be made.
At this point, cases of systemic drug allergy should best be managed in the burn care unit with special attention to electrolyte balance and signs of secondary infection.
In addition, accompanying eye damage can develop and lead to blindness. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly evaluate the eyes by ophthalmologists as well as use additional eye nutritional products.
When a person develops hypersensitivity syndrome, a systemic reaction characterized by fever, sore throat, rash, and involvement of internal organs, potentially life-threatening conditions can occur. Thus, it is necessary to promptly recognize this condition and immediately stop the causative drug. Treatment with systemic corticosteroids has been advocated for immunosuppression. In addition, a growing body of evidence indicates that intravenous immunoglobulins can improve outcomes for patients with systemic drug allergies, even though patients may require acute hepatodialysis or liver transplantation due to liver failure otherwise. timely discontinuation of the drug.

3. How to take care of patients after having a systemic red drug allergy

Subjects with a history of systemic red drug allergy may need to exercise caution before prescribing any medication. At the same time, patients and families should also be aware that this is a potentially lifelong reaction that will recur at any time to the same drug or to a drug of the same structure and class. .
In cases where discontinuation of offending medication is not possible, a discussion of the risks and benefits of continued medication on discontinuation should be held between the patient, family member, and dermatologist. , immunologist. However, if benefit is certain, patients need to be educated about allergy-signalling symptoms, including itching and erythema, for prompt intervention before it can become more serious. Topical steroids and antihistamines should be readily available in these cases. At the same time, patients should be careful not to use topical steroids with strong activity on the face or skin folds to limit the side effects of the drug. Since episodes of generalized red skin due to drug allergies usually resolve within 7 to 14 days, if they last longer or get worse, the patient should notify the doctor for prompt intervention.
Người bị dị ứng thuốc đỏ toàn thân cần thận trọng khi dùng thuốc
Người bị dị ứng thuốc đỏ toàn thân cần thận trọng khi dùng thuốc

In a nutshell, generalized red skin due to drug allergy is a reaction that can happen to anyone when using any drug. Fortunately, this condition often resolves on its own if the causative agent is recognized and promptly stopped. However, patients need to be guided to detect more serious systemic reactions and notify the doctor, in order to promptly treat and prevent multi-organ damage.
If you have any questions or concerns about the skin condition with an allergic reaction to red medicine, please leave a question for Vinmec doctors right on the website for answers and in-depth advice.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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