Why do I have a stuffy nose when I sleep?

The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor I Nguyen Tuan Lam - Ear, Nose Throat Doctor - Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital

A stuffy nose at bedtime is a symptom that makes many people uncomfortable and worried. This expression disrupts sleep, causing mental changes. What is the cause of stuffy nose while sleeping and what to do to overcome the stuffy nose?

1. What is stuffy nose?

Nasal congestion is a blockage in one or both sides of the nose, making it difficult for the patient to breathe through the nose and often have to breathe through the mouth. When having a stuffy nose, most people think it's not too big of a problem, just causing discomfort. However, if the nasal congestion lasts for a long time, it can cause consequences such as:
The air that passes through the nose to the respiratory tract is transferred by the hair system to filter out dirt, remove some pathogenic microorganisms, and have mucus secretions. The nasal mucosa moistens and warms the air before it reaches the lungs. Limiting the risk of lower respiratory tract disease, if the nose is blocked for a long time, the patient often has to breathe through the mouth, which will make the air unfiltered and go down to the lungs, increasing the risk of respiratory infections. dry mouth. Disrupting sleep leads to body weakness, possibly depression caused by prolonged sleep loss. Nasal congestion leads to lack of oxygen to the brain: When the passage of air to the lungs is limited, air cannot pass through the nose, which will reduce the amount of oxygen supplied to the body, which can cause dizziness, headache, asthenia. In addition, nasal congestion in infants and young children needs attention because it adversely affects sleep, suckling ability and development of children.

2. Causes of stuffy nose

Some causes can lead to stuffy nose, especially stuffy nose while sleeping:
Birth defects: This is the common cause of stuffy nose in newborns due to the membrane or bone fragments that block the back door. nose, making it impossible for the child to breathe. Inflammation in the nose: Influenza: This is the most common cause of nasal congestion, colds caused by viruses usually go away after 7-10 days. In addition to stuffy nose, there are other manifestations such as runny nose, sore throat, cough, possibly fever, headache, eye socket pain and fatigue. Rhinitis: Inflammation of the lining of the nose and sinuses caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites, increasing secretions, fluid from the sinuses flows through the nasal passages, obstructing the airways, causing nasal congestion, especially when lying down. , accompanied by headache, sinus pain, fatigue. Tonsillitis, VA: This is also a common cause of nasal congestion, especially in children. Allergic rhinitis: Some people are allergic to certain allergens such as pollen, house dust, animal hair, food, weather... When exposed to allergens, it will cause an allergic reaction. , rhinitis, increased secretion, causing manifestations such as sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose. Nasal cavity deformities: Conditions such as nasal polyps, nasal septum, tumors ... obstruct the passage of air into the lungs, causing nasal congestion. Usually these causes are found during otolaryngoscopy and resolved surgically. Injuries and foreign bodies in the nose: After trauma to the nose, it causes damage to the nose leading to edema, deviated septum... also leading to nasal congestion. The most common foreign body in the nose in children when playing can be blocked with something in the nose but do not know how to tell adults, leading to frequent nasal congestion and inflammation at the blocked site. Side effects of some medications: Patients using medications such as blood pressure medications, if used incorrectly, can cause nasal congestion. Frequent exposure to polluted environment, dust, smoking: Increases the risk of nasal congestion. Mental stress: If stress goes on for a long time, it will change hormone levels in the body. This causes blood vessels to dilate, compressing the lining of the nose and causing nasal congestion.

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3. Some ways to overcome a stuffy nose

First of all, it is necessary to know the cause of nasal congestion, from the cause, to have effective treatment and remedy measures:
In case of nasal congestion due to abnormal nasal structure: It is necessary to solve the cause, by shaping the nasal septum. , remove polyps and tumors in the nose... If nasal congestion is caused by microbial infections such as rhinosinusitis, it should be thoroughly treated with drugs to treat bacterial or fungal causes. Due to allergic rhinitis: Avoid contact with allergens, regularly wash the nose with physiological saline to reduce the amount of surface antigen. Due to flu: Mainly treating symptoms and improving physical condition, usually after about 7-10 days, it will go away on its own. Use the drug exactly as prescribed by the doctor, if there are side effects that make the patient uncomfortable, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor. Avoid exposure to dusty, polluted environments, and do not smoke. Avoid prolonged stress by getting enough sleep, doing gentle sports such as walking, swimming, yoga... In addition, there are some other measures to relieve nasal congestion while sleeping such as:
High pillows when sleeping. Sleep: Patients should not use too high a pillow, in case of some diseases in the cervical spine, it should not be applied. Only the pillow is slightly higher than normal and when the stuffy nose is gone, you should not continue to have a high pillow because it will affect the cervical spine. Cleaning the nose with warm physiological saline: Cleaning the nose with saline can be done several times a day for the purpose of thinning mucus, making it easier to escape, preventing infection. Warm bath: Helps the body reduce fatigue, thin mucus and help mucus drain easily when we stand in the shower. Nasal steaming: It is possible to inhale the nose with essential oils or with physiological saline or even clean water to help clear the airways, dilute mucus and help reduce fatigue and stress.

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Kê gối cao là biện pháp làm giảm nghẹt mũi khi ngủ

Causes of lying down with a stuffy nose are many, although it is not a dangerous sign, but if it lasts, it is necessary to find the exact cause, solve the cause, then the stuffy nose while sleeping will go away. Should not be underestimated because if the stuffy nose lasts too long, it also affects health, especially in babies and young children.
Vinmec International General Hospital examines and treats common nasopharyngitis diseases, head and neck tumors, congenital malformations of the ear, nose and throat area with the most optimal internal and surgical methods for patients, both children and adults. Coming to Vinmec International General Hospital, patients will receive a direct, dedicated and professional examination from a team of qualified and experienced medical staff.

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