Why does canker sores recur?

Canker sores are a very common disease that happens to almost everyone. This is a mild disease, easy to treat, easy to minimize, but also very easy to recur and last long when it appears.

1. What is canker sores?

Canker sores is an inflammatory condition that causes sores inside the mouth, making the patient unable to comfortably communicate and have difficulty eating. Initially, the signs of canker sores are just small, slightly raised white spots in the lining of the mouth. Over time, these spots get bigger and burst open to form sores. This is usually a small ulcer about 1mm to 2mm in size, appearing mainly on the gums, tongue or inner cheeks and can be on the lips. These sores will initially be bright white and then gradually turn yellow, while the skin around the sores is often red and swollen.

2. Symptoms of canker sores

Canker sores is a disease that is easy to detect because it can not only be seen from the outside, but also the most obvious symptom is the appearance of ulcers or white spots in the mouth. But depending on the different body or condition, canker sores also have other signs such as:
Swollen lymph nodes Fever Abdominal pain Diarrhea Flatulence Poor digestion Paleness, weight loss Cramps Swollen lymph nodes in the corner of the jaw
Nhiệt miệng tái phát có thể gây sốt cho người mắc
Nhiệt miệng tái phát có thể gây sốt cho người mắc

3. Causes of mouth sores?

Because canker sore is a disease that occurs in everyone, and is also an easy-to-treat disease that has appeared for a long time, so there are many different views about the cause of the disease. It can be divided into two perspectives, which are folk views and those of modern medicine.
According to folklore, mouth heat is caused by toxic heat in the spleen, or low heat in the spleen and stomach. That is, mouth heat will arise when it is hot in the body, causing hot gases to enter the body, causing mouth ulcers, dry mouth, red tongue,... In addition, it can be said that mouth heat will occur when loaded. body too much fat, hot food, spicy food, ... leading to indigestion, toxic heat along with saliva in the mouth for a long time will heat the oral mucosa.
According to modern medicine, the cause of canker sores has not been clearly identified, but only some studies have shown that the causes are caused by bacteria, viruses,... It may also be due to changes. Hormonal changes or a lack of nutrients such as vitamins A, C, B12, B6, zinc, etc. cause the body to lose its resistance, creating an opportunity for the virus to develop.
There are many factors that make mouth sores more likely to appear such as:
Improper brushing technique, too strong Orthodontic injury Biting on the cheek Using toothpaste or mouthwash containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Food sensitization Allergies Hormonal changes during puberty or pregnancy Stress Having inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis Poor immunity Celiac disease and Behcet's disease

4. How to treat canker sores?

Canker sores are just a disease that appears when there are changes in the body, so the treatment is quite easy. Currently, it is mainly possible to treat canker sores in two ways, that is, using oral and topical medications.
In case the canker sores are painful and difficult to eat, you can use oral medications. These gels have both anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ingredients, but also act as a protective film for the ulcer from bacteria.
nhiệt miệng kéo dài
Người mắc nhiệt miệng kéo dài cần điều trị theo hướng dẫn của bác sĩ

In case the canker sore becomes severe, it is necessary to use antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. Canker sores can also be the result of other diseases, so when canker sores last for more than 14 days, you need to see a doctor to find out the exact medical condition.
In addition, you can use a mouthwash containing steroids dexamethasone or carbocaine to reduce pain and anti-inflammatory. If in case of painful swelling, you can use ice to apply to the heat wound to reduce swelling. There is a simple method that is easy to apply at home, which is to use tea bags to apply to the sores, which can also soothe the wound immediately.

5. How to prevent canker sores

Canker sores are a disease that occurs many times and is easy to recur. But in fact, it is possible to minimize the chance of mouth sores appearing with many simple tips such as:
Build a healthy diet, limit salty, spicy or fried foods or other foods. acidic fruits such as oranges, lemons,... Add healthy foods such as cold fruits, green vegetables, cereals,... Careful oral hygiene. Brush your teeth properly and enough twice a day. Choose a soft brush to avoid hurting the thin lining of the mouth, creating scratches that make it easy for bacteria to enter. Use extra mouthwash to protect your teeth, but avoid one that contains sodium lauryl sulfate. Stress is also a cause of canker sores. Always try to calm down, meditation or yoga is also a good way to reduce stress.

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