24 ways to lose weight without dieting

To control and lose body weight, in addition to following a reasonable diet, burning energy is equally important. This article will provide you with an effective and healthy way to lose weight without dieting.

1. Time to use meals

It can be said that a healthy diet and portion control are both important when it comes to losing weight. However, meal time plays an important part in promoting your weight loss plan. So if you want to lose weight fast, try to eat at the same time every meal.
People don't pay much attention to this factor, but erratic meal arrangements can derail your weight loss plan. According to a Harvard University study, no matter how healthy you eat, if you don't eat right, it can be ineffective for weight loss. Following the same schedule every day will help you maintain a balance between mealtime and circadian rhythms. Any difference in both can raise your blood sugar 18% higher than normal.
Moreover, the longer it takes to eat a dish, the more it has a positive impact on your weight loss plan. Because fast-paced meals deliver great refreshment from smaller portions and trigger the body's satiety hormone. When you consume food in a hurry, the stomach does not have time to tell the brain that it is full. That can cause you to overeat and uncontrollably.

2. More sleep can help with weight loss better

An extra hour of sleep per night can help you lose weight without dieting. According to a University of Michigan researcher, when you reduce your consumption of 2,500 calories per day, your weight loss plan shows that sleep can replace idle activities and normal snacking habits. , easily cut 6% calories.
There is evidence that sleeping less than 7 hours increases cravings, making you unusually hungry. The researchers argue that the answer from this study as to why reduced sleep causes weight gain, but there are several possibilities that merit further investigation. Less sleep can affect changes in a person's basal metabolic rate, such as the number of calories you burn at rest. Another recently discovered factor that may contribute to weight regulation is thermogenesis associated with inactivity that can influence involuntary activities, such as restlessness. Or it could be that if you sleep less, movement is also limited, so calorie burning is also affected.
Another important factor to consider for the impact of sleep on cortisol levels. Not getting enough sleep can lead to the release of more cortisol, the stress hormone that stimulates hunger.
Nữ giới mất ngủ nguyên nhân là gì?
Giấc ngủ có ảnh hưởng tới vấn đề giảm béo không cần ăn kiêng

3. Eating more vegetables can help with better weight control

The way to lose weight without a diet is to combine many vegetables for a dish to increase the taste and attractiveness. Because the variety has deceived the senses and you can eat a variety of these healthy foods to improve the weight loss process as well as bring better results.
Moreover, the composition of vegetables contains high levels of fiber and water to help you load into the body with fewer calories.

4. Use soup in your diet to control weight

You can add soup before meals to feel full and will load less calories into the body. Also, use soup at the beginning of a meal as it slows down the process and curbs your appetite. You can start using soups with low-sodium broth or canned soups, add fresh vegetables and simmer. You should also be careful with creamy soups, which can be high in fat and calories.

5. Use whole grains

Whole grains like brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and whole wheat should also be included in your weight loss strategy. These foods will help you load your body with fewer calories and improve cholesterol levels. Whole grains are available in many products including waffles, pizza crust, English muffins, pasta and soft "white" whole-wheat bread.

6. Eyeball therapy is a way to lose weight without dieting

You can use an old dress or set of clothes to be in a position where you can see them every day. This will make you often have to pay more attention to how to fit them.

7. Use bacon in meals

Put 2 pieces of bacon for breakfast or in a sandwich for lunch. This simple move helps to save about 100 calories, lose up to 5kg of weight in 1 year. Other sandwiches can replace the flavor with fewer calories. You can also add a few tomato slices, chili bananas, roasted red bell peppers, rich mustard, or lightly spread goat cheese.

8. Make a delicious slice of pizza and still maintain the weight

Choose vegetables topping on pizza instead of meat and you can cut 100 calories in your meal. Use light or reduced-fat cheese and choose a thin, bread-like crust made with just a little olive oil.

9. Cut down on sugar

Replace a sugary beverage like regular soda with water. Add lemon, mint, or frozen strawberries for an interesting taste and sensation.
The liquid sugar in soda seems to ignore the body's normal signs of fullness. One study compared an extra 450 calories per day from jelly beans and soda. The candy eaters in general unconsciously ate fewer calories, but not the soda drinkers. These people gained more than 1kg in 2 weeks.
Cắt giảm lượng đường
Cắt giảm lượng đường là một trong các cách giảm cân không cần ăn kiêng

10. Use a tall, thin glass

Use tall, skinny glasses instead of short, wide cups to cut liquid calories without dieting. You will drink 25-30% less juice, soda, wine or any other beverage.
The reason said by Dr. Brian Wansink is that visual cues can trick us into consuming more or less.

11. Limit alcohol use to lose weight

Alcohol has more calories per gram than carbohydrates or proteins. Alcohol can also dampen your determination to lose weight.

12. Should use green tea

One of the ways to lose weight without dieting is to drink green tea. This can temporarily restore the body's calorie-burning engine, through the action of phytochemicals called catechins found in green tea. At least you get a refreshing drink that doesn't contain many calories.

13. Eating at home is a way to lose weight without dieting

You should eat home-cooked meals at least 5 days a week. A survey found this to be the top habit of "successful losers". Prepared foods are likely to be used for quick meals, such as lean minced beef for fajitas, washed lettuce, pre-cut vegetables, canned beans, cooked shredded chicken or grilled salmon.

14. Time to pause eating

Most people will experience a natural "eating pause", which can be seen as a quiet signal that you are full. However, most people miss this.

15. Chew mint gum

Chew sugar-free gum with a strong flavor when you are at risk of snacking. Having dinner after work, socializing at a party, watching TV or surfing the Internet are just a few of the bad situations for mindless snacking. Chewing gum has a big flavor that will overwhelm other foods, so sometimes it won't feel good to users.

16. Reduce food intake

Choose a lunch plate with a diameter of 25cm instead of a plate of 30cm to contain less food. Shrink your plate or bowl to cut 100-200 calories per day and 5-10kg in 1 year.

17. Use food sensibly

The top habit of thin people is to eat less food in each meal, 5 days/week or more.

18. Apply the 80/20 . Rule

Americans have a rule to keep eating until they feel full, but Okinawans eat until they are 80% full. They even named this natural slimming routine “hara hachi bu”. We can adopt this healthy habit by eating 20% ​​less.
Cách giảm cân không cần ăn kiêng với quy tắc 80/20
Cách giảm cân không cần ăn kiêng với quy tắc 80/20

19. Eat your way

Meals at popular restaurants can make you gain weight, so consider these special orders for portion control:
Share meals with everyone you go with; Order an appetizer and use as a main meal; Complement a smaller portion with a salad for just the right balance: Half the plate is filled with vegetables.

20. Use Red Sauce

Choose marinara sauce for pasta instead of Alfredo. Tomato sauces tend to be much lower in calories and fat than sauces made with cream. But remember, serving sizes still count.

21. Fasting regularly

Fasting more often is a fat loss habit. Vegetarians tend to be lighter than those on a meat-based diet. While there are a number of reasons for this, legumes may play an important role. Bean burgers, lentil soups, and other delicious legume foods are simply packed with fiber. Most Americans only get about half of this important nutrient, helping you load up on fewer calories.

22. Burn more calories

Lose 5kg in 1 year without dieting by burning 100 extra calories per day. Try one of the following activities:
Walk for about 20 minutes; Weeding or planting flowers or gardening for 20 minutes; Weeding for 20 minutes; Clean house in 30 minutes; Jog for 10 minutes.

23. Celebrate healthy

Once you've kicked the soda habit or simply gone a day without overeating, then you're one step closer to a slimming lifestyle without the frantic or complicated diet plan. Call your friends, get a pedicure, buy new clothes... to treat yourself

24. Do yoga exercises

According to a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, women who practice yoga tend to be lighter than others. Researchers suggest that the self-perceived calm developed through yoga may help people resist overeating.
In short, does dieting lose weight, the answer is yes if you know how to do it scientifically. But you can also apply 24 ways to lose weight without dieting as above and still ensure your hobbies and daily activities.

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Reference source: webmd.com
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