Breathing problems while sleeping are linked to memory loss

Some people experience breathing problems while sleeping, which not only causes sleep disruption but also affects memory. Breathing problems increase the risk of memory loss and dementia in older people.

1. How does breathing problems while sleeping affect memory?

Older adults are at increased risk for sleep apnea, which is more common in women. These disorders are associated with memory problems that have been found in many studies.
In one study, researchers compared the risk of memory problems and dementia in a group of 298 women with an average age of 82. Study participants were evaluated. on sleep apnea between 2002 and 2004 and then tested for memory nearly 5 years later. At the end of the study, 36% of the women had developed mild memory problems (20%) or dementia (16%). The results showed that 45% of the women with sleep apnea developed memory problems or dementia, compared with 31% in those without the sleep disorder.
The researchers found that the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain is reduced when experiencing sleep apnea, which can lead to memory problems or dementia. In addition, the problem of sleep apnea can also be the cause of many chronic diseases and especially it is related to depression.
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2. What are common sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is divided into many different forms including:
Sleep apnea: Also known as obstructive sleep apnea, this is the most common condition, causing you to stop breathing while you sleep. . This blockage in the airway causes the tongue to fall into the roof of the mouth or throat, which can make breathing difficult. When this happens, breathing stops and wakes you up, sometimes with the fear of not being able to breathe. Obstruction can affect anyone, some risk factors may be related to age, overweight, obesity, sleeping on your back, heavy drinking, family history... Mid-sleep apnea Central sleep apnea (CSA): A condition in which breathing stops due to abnormal signals in the brain. This can be due to a number of potential causes such as the use of certain medications, heart or other organ disease, primary sleep apnea, an unexplained pause in breathing. This condition often warns of a serious health condition that requires monitoring and diagnosis by laboratory measures. Treatment should be carried out to address the cause of the disease, in order to improve the symptoms. Mixed Sleep Apnea: A combination of sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. Often treatment with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is required. Nocturnal suffocation: This is a less common condition that causes sleep apnea. This condition is often caused by external factors that put pressure on the airways leading to choking. Such as food, pillows, stuffed animals or toys... Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to items that pose a risk of unnecessary choking to avoid the risk of suffocation, especially for infants.
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Khó thở khi ngủ là tình trạng phổ biến nhất

3. What to do to improve sleep apnea

In the sleep apnea groups, we can apply some measures to reduce obstructive sleep apnea. Some measures can be applied such as:
Weight control: For some people, excess body weight can increase the likelihood of sleep apnea. In particular, excess fat in or around the neck has the potential to reduce a person's breathing rate and worsen sleep apnea. Losing excess weight can be a very good remedy in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. Some things that you can do to lose weight include reducing your intake of fast food, limiting your intake of high-sugar foods, eating more fruits and vegetables, and exercising regularly. Side sleeping position: One of the most common ways to treat sleep apnea at home is a body-positioning pillow. These positioning devices work by keeping a person from sleeping on their back. Because people with obstructive sleep apnea are more likely to have episodes of sleep apnea when sleeping on their backs. Healthy lifestyle: In addition to lifestyle changes that help promote weight loss, other changes can help a person reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. Some examples include not smoking, which can lead to upper airway swelling, leading to sleep apnea; Limit alcohol intake as it can relax the muscles of the pharynx and increase the likelihood of snoring. Elevate the head of the bed: Sleeping with the head of the bed at an angle of about 60 degrees, can help reduce the number of apneas. This solution can work for people whose sleep apnea is worse when they lie on their backs but find it difficult to fall asleep on their side. People should be able to achieve this position by sleeping in a bed or chair with an adjustable top. Alternatively, you can use a pillow or purchase a body pad for the upper body, to keep the head elevated. Oral or dental appliance: Another home remedy for sleep apnea is wearing an oral device that holds the tongue or jaw in a certain position to help with breathing. That prevents the tongue from slipping in, making it difficult to breathe. Disturbances of sleep breathing have been recognized to affect sleep by many scientific studies. If you encounter this condition, you need to visit a medical facility to know the cause and have appropriate remedies.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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