Can massage help with sciatica?

Massage is a simple and effective way to relieve sciatica pain without drugs. The main benefit of massage is to help soothe tense muscles and relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve.

1. Relieve sciatica with massage

Sciatica is the term used to describe pain along the sciatic nerve, extending from the lower back, through the hips, buttocks, and down each leg.
Usually, the disease affects one side of the body, ranging from mild to severe. Sciatica is often accompanied by other symptoms, including numbness, tingling, or weakness in the affected leg and foot.
The disease often interferes with daily activities and makes it difficult to walk or even sit. In addition to using drugs, massage (or massage) is an effective and safe way to relieve sciatica. This method cannot treat the root cause of sciatica, but it can provide temporary relief.

2. The benefits of massage when treating sciatica

Massage therapy is a proven way to relieve sciatica pain. A 2014 study even found that deep massage can even be as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing low back pain, one of the symptoms of sciatica.
Massage works to relieve sciatica by two mechanisms:
First, massage soothes tense muscles. Muscle tension can put a lot of pressure on your nerves, including the sciatic nerve. Massaging will relax these muscles, thereby helping to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. Second, soft tissue massage helps increase your pain threshold by stimulating the release of endorphins. Endorphin is a hormone most released during sex, exercise, and eating. They increase pleasure, bring a feeling of happiness, and also have a pain-relieving effect.
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Xoa bóp giúp giảm đau thần kinh tọa hiệu quả

3. What massage therapy is best for sciatica?

Some massage therapies are effective in reducing sciatica pain. However, in studies, there is not much evidence that a certain therapy is more beneficial for sciatica relief than others. Therefore, the choice of massage type is entirely up to personal preference. Here are some of the most popular massage methods:
3.1. Deep Tissue Massage Deep Tissue Massage uses finger strokes and pressure to release tension in muscles and connective tissues.
A 2014 clinical study concluded that: 30 minutes of deep tissue massage per day, 5 days a week, for two weeks can be effective in symptoms of low back pain, including neuropathic pain. sutras.
3.2. Swedish Massage Swedish massage is a way to relieve sciatica that doesn't use as much force as deep tissue massage. Instead, the therapist will do kneading, squeezing to stimulate the nerve endings in your connective tissue and increase blood circulation. This also helps to release muscle tension and provides a feeling of relaxation.
3.3. Neuromuscular Massage Neuromuscular massage uses advanced massage techniques, combining force and deep tissue friction to act on tight muscles, helping to keep the meridians active, and at the same time regulating visceral function. government .
3.4. MFR (Myofascial Release) Massage Technique MFR is a safe, effective massage technique used in muscle pain relief that involves the application of sustained force to the Myofascial (connective) tissue system. .
Hard, immobile areas in body tissues are pain triggers. Concentrating force and stretching trigger points helps relieve pain and stiffness.
3.5. Hot Stone Massage Hot stone massage is used to help relax muscles and relieve tension. Hot stones are placed on certain body parts, and combined with Swedish massage techniques, effectively relieve sciatica pain.
Massage therapies, although they cannot cure the cause of the pain, can temporarily relieve the symptoms of sciatica and improve the patient's quality of life. Talk to your doctor about your pain so that you can choose a safe and appropriate massage therapy.
Xoa bóp với đá nóng cũng là cách giúp giảm đau thần kinh tọa hiệu quả
Xoa bóp với đá nóng cũng là cách giúp giảm đau thần kinh tọa hiệu quả
Traditional Medicine Unit - Vinmec International General Hospital was established based on the quintessence and inheritance of two traditional and modern medicine traditions in examination and treatment, with the aim of providing the best choices for patients. optimal for customers.
This is the bridge between Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine. With traditional and natural medicinal methods, along with non-drug therapies such as nutrition, acupuncture, and acupressure massage. The unit is also an appropriate address for customers to improve health, prevent and treat chronic diseases of the era.

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